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Socoder -> Off Topic -> WindowBlinds becomes Curtains

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Sat, 18 Jul 2020, 15:33
It seems that they have remade window blinds and called it 'curtains' Linkage

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Sat, 18 Jul 2020, 15:33
Wonder why the redo? And, wonder if they DID actually Redo, or if they simply rebranded it..

*grabs the 30 day trial*

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Sat, 18 Jul 2020, 15:50
Initial Impressions. Still installs as a "Program Files x86" program, but does at least seem stable.
I'll give further opinions after a couple of days, but the main bug that existed for 20-odd sodding years, seems to have been fixed.
(New windows would consistently open about 8x8 pixels right+down from their previous position)

So, I think this is probably quite a big rewrite of how the thing works, and that seems good to me.
Current theme = "Midnight", which is a nice dark theme. I've picked an orange hue, and it all looks great!

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Sun, 19 Jul 2020, 01:16
Having a little read, it 'different'. It's built around windows 10 themes rather than 'just redraw everything'. I'll give it a try.
What was bugging me about wb, is the complete lack of free themes for W10, and the paid ones all looked like crap.

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Sun, 19 Jul 2020, 04:39
I've had three explorer crashes, this morning.

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Sun, 19 Jul 2020, 05:00
Now when I double-click a .html from file explorer, it opens an Edge Chromium browser window with a second tab, containing "--disable-windows10-custom-titlebar/"
This is obviously meant for Chrome, not Edge..

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Sun, 19 Jul 2020, 05:10
Sun, 19 Jul 2020, 05:13
Yep, and you can turn it off, too.
Head into Curtains/Options and there's a checkbox to "Apply styles to Google Chrome...[snip]"
Disable that, and you can now double-click html's again without the added tab.

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Sun, 19 Jul 2020, 05:28
Gawd, have you SEEN the state of the theme folders!?!
So many things you need to create.
Not sure I have the energy (and/or artistic talent) to bother attempting one.

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Sun, 19 Jul 2020, 08:12
I was thinking of redoing my Amiga theme, it would probably look nice in a W10 style

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Sun, 19 Jul 2020, 08:14
I was wondering how hard it might be to do a "Lazy Man's Theme Generator", which takes a single png and splits it up into a working theme.

.. and then looked at the state of the folder and screamed for an hour.

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Sun, 19 Jul 2020, 10:51
I see what you mean about the '--disable-windows10-custom-titlebar/' not working correctly It seems to be a chrome issue, they've disabled windows 10 theming and I guess in turn, removed the flag to disable the theme

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Mon, 20 Jul 2020, 00:33
Issue reported and apparently sorted -- https://forums.stardock.com/500726/page/1/#3783822

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Thu, 23 Jul 2020, 02:40
Here's my first attempt...

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Thu, 23 Jul 2020, 04:09
Have they removed it?
Thu, 23 Jul 2020, 10:15
Still there for me 🤔
Thu, 23 Jul 2020, 11:13
Aye, is there, now. Sorry! When I clicked earlier today, it just took me to the Curtains page. Yeah must have an approval delay or something.

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Thu, 23 Jul 2020, 11:18
Nice theme! Bit bright for me, now, though. I've gotten used to the darkness of that Midnight theme!
My eyes are old!!!!!

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Thu, 23 Jul 2020, 13:38
I've noticed it needs at least a dark line on the taskbar, hard to see the edge...

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Thu, 30 Jul 2020, 04:23
OK, paid for..
I've had it on here for long enough that I've completely fallen in love with the way the Midnight theme looks.
Last night, I hopped onto the "Remote Desktopped Windows on a MacMini" system, and that didn't have Curtains installed, and ... Aaargh!! The Bland Uninteresting Whiteness!!!

So, yeah, £9.99's a bargain for not having your eyes melted.

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Thu, 30 Jul 2020, 13:59
I hope they add more features like skinning regular buttons etc. no go overboard like wb did, but enough to make a cohesive theme.

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Thu, 30 Jul 2020, 14:26
Not sure if that's possible. The current version seems to be hacking what Windows' themes are already capable of.
Anything more than that will probably require additional hacks which (god forbid) could end up bringing back that stupid position offset bug again!!!

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Fri, 06 Nov 2020, 07:20
I don't know if this link works yet.... https://www.wincustomize.com/explore/curtains/157/
Those borders are almost completely impossible to recreate in curtains, I had to make then a custom shadow.

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Fri, 06 Nov 2020, 08:24
I think that site must have a moderation flag or something, before things become "live". The last item I can view is #155.
|update| It's working now |update|

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Fri, 06 Nov 2020, 08:26
Until then, here is a hotlinked image...

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Fri, 06 Nov 2020, 08:41
Mmmm! Retro!!
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