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Socoder -> Blitz -> Colour fading problem

Fri, 29 Dec 2006, 16:32
Hey peeps. I have been having a problem with fading colours to black when the rgb is all on one number. I made a demo prog to illustrate this below. This works but only when in grey.

If you change the first line of code to:

you will see what I mean. The colours become bright all of a sudden when the red fades below 0 in the red section of the int and starts switching on bits in the other colours section.

I thought this code would have worked, albeit slowly. It doesent though anyone know what im doing wrong?
Fri, 29 Dec 2006, 17:00
Is there any real reason you can't do it this way, instead? (ie, keeping hold of RGB values, reducing those, then setting the colour with them).

''Load, Next List!''
Fri, 29 Dec 2006, 17:23
Thanks. That seems to work nicely