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Socoder -> On Topic -> Raspberry Pi update.

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Sat, 20 Oct 2012, 04:58
Tried to purchase the Raspberry Pi guide/manual from my local Maplin store a couple of days ago, only to find they are open but doing maintainance on the shop so could not find the only copy they had in stock, I paid for the book but still have to wait until November 5th for it to hit my door-mat.

Got the SD card, keyboard, mouse, power supply, and cable package yesterday, minus the SD card and a faulty keyboard; the ebayer is going to send me a card and another keayboard so that's nice of him/her.

Got the casing today and one of the panels has a broken clip, I have contacted the seller awaiting reply.

I don't seem to be having much luck with this Raspberry Pi lark, I just hope the Raspberry Pi itself works when I can finally get to plug it in.

Some people may see this as a mega whinge but at least I managed to rant without typing any swear words this time.
Sat, 20 Oct 2012, 05:10

This really isn't going well, is it!?
Be sure to stand back when you do plug it in!

''Load, Next List!''
Sat, 20 Oct 2012, 05:47
I don't know if I can use a 2GB card or I would have put Debian on that for the time being just to see if it will fire up.

|edit| And I'm not going to try the 32GB card from my phone coz I don't want to wipe-out anything that is currently on there. |edit|
Sat, 20 Oct 2012, 07:51
most of the pi linux images I have seen are for 2gb cards, so that will do you fine.

Check out my excellent homepage!
Sat, 20 Oct 2012, 08:43
That all sucks, but hopefully it'll all turn out OK in the end. However, I would get your brother/sister/Mum/Dad/second cousin-twice-removed to plug the thing in and turn it on. No point in wasting a good SoCoder community member if something goes wrong...

Anyway, once unpacked the Linux image is about 2GB, so you won't have much space left to actually use. It'll be OK for now, but at some point it'd obviously be worth getting a larger (or even second) card. It's amazing how quickly you can fill a 4GB card nowadays though. I remember when a 1.4MB floppy could hold several of my games...
Sat, 20 Oct 2012, 09:22
The card that was supposed to come with the other stuff is a class 10 8GB card, that should be enough hopefully. I will also be getting an external HDD and USB hub soon.

|edit| The card apparently has Debian Squeeze pre installed but I wil be updating that to Wheezy. |edit|
Sat, 20 Oct 2012, 09:32
One thing springs to mind... If Debian Linux distros are named after characters from Toy Story, what happens when they run out of characters?.

Sat, 20 Oct 2012, 13:55
There are hundreds of characters in the Toy Story franchise. And before they run out of names, there'll be another Toy Story movie. They're going to be making them to infinity and beyond...
Sun, 21 Oct 2012, 15:09
Very Good pun Rocford
Sun, 21 Oct 2012, 15:53
I put the Debian Wheezy image temporarily onto a 2GB card today and tried to boot, it booted intially but the Raspberry does a blow not long after power-up. I have searched the forums and according to them it's a power supply issue, it seems like the power supply I got with the keyboard kit isn't man enough for the job. Time for another ebay complaint I think!.

*Walks towards a wall with the intent of banging head against it*
Mon, 22 Oct 2012, 02:38

Maplin pack's looking pretty tempting, right about now!

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 22 Oct 2012, 03:17
If I had known back then that Maplin would eventually sell them I would have waited until now.
Mon, 22 Oct 2012, 11:01
Just been to Maplin and spent yet another £15 trying to get this thing working, that's three different power supplies and two SD cards been tried and it still keeps crashing. Not fucking impressed.
Mon, 22 Oct 2012, 11:06
And to make things worse, the only way of returning it is to complete a form and send the RPi with it int the hope of it not getting lost in the post, looks like I have to pay to send the fucking thing back too.
Mon, 22 Oct 2012, 11:55
Fook! Not looking good
Mon, 22 Oct 2012, 12:22
I just sent RS an email.
Mon, 22 Oct 2012, 12:23
I really am proper pissed off.
Mon, 22 Oct 2012, 15:58
I really am proper pissed off.

I don't blame you
Tue, 23 Oct 2012, 00:24
Weird, our one has worked fine using a regular phone charger and a usb cable...

Check out my excellent homepage!
Tue, 23 Oct 2012, 01:27
According to their website, there's a dodgy batch of Apple-styled plugs that are breaking a lot of Pi's.

''Load, Next List!''
Tue, 23 Oct 2012, 05:21
After the screen goes blank I still get a red power light on the board but a no signal message on the TV. When connected to the DVI port on my monitor, when the RPi shuts down the monitor switches back to the port the my PC is connected to.
Tue, 23 Oct 2012, 05:27
RS Components haven't responded to my email yet and the ebayer that supplied my with a broken casing has completely ignored my message, I will give it a few days and if I still don't hear anything then I'm on the blower to RS and a certain ebayer is getting bad feedback.
Tue, 23 Oct 2012, 05:29
Damn right!
Wed, 24 Oct 2012, 21:32
Evil Roy Ferguso
I got mine back with one of the earlier batches and only now finally got around to using it. RetroPie is super-nice - the NES emulation is pretty much perfect, and the SNES only seems to hiccup with later-gen games.

Sorry to hear you've been having so much trouble with it - I had issues getting mine to start up at first (just the red power light, nothing else) when I first got it and it turned out the SD card hadn't been written correctly (dodgy SD card dongle thing.) Overwriting it with a new image made it work just fine. But if you've already gone through that many I doubt it's your issue...
Thu, 25 Oct 2012, 02:55
I'm going to bag it up and send it back later on today, I hope they don't fob me off with an older model coz my current one is the 512MB Rev-2 version.

I found out a fact a few days ago after some know-it-all telling me that mine was a 256MB, contrary to what some people say about identifying the difference by looking at the colour of the connectors, you actually identify it by reading the markings on the processor. If it has '2G' in the string of alphanumerals then it's 256MB, if it has '4G' in there then it's 512MB so I now know that mine is definitely a 512MB. You may also notice that the row of pins near the audio jack is missing on the later model.
Fri, 02 Nov 2012, 22:03
Just found an email from Parcelforce, they are saying that RS Components have sent out a delivery on Friday so it looks like I will get my replacement Raspberry Pi either tomorrow or the beginning of next week, I just hope it works this time!.
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