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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Win8 Whingefest

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Thu, 03 Jan 2013, 13:48
Well, I have to admit Windows 8 isn't *completely* shit. It is remarkably stable, in its own quirky way.
I went back in time last night, and even though this process threw an error in my face (again!), it seems to have worked.
.NET 4 is now installed again, and Windows is even installing updates!
But given the fact that all the tools I've tried out lately have been erroring out with cryptic messages, I'm surprised the system is even running. But I haven't seen so much as a blue screen, all there has been have been error messages from pretty much all the diagnostic tools I could dig up.

Afr0 Games

Project Dollhouse on Github - Please fork!
Thu, 03 Jan 2013, 20:35
C'mon let's face it, we all like a whinge!.
Fri, 04 Jan 2013, 18:54
McDonalds sells god knows how many hamburgers every day. Customer satisfaction remains high.
But most people would agree that they are shit.

All the raw, animal magnetism of a rutabaga.
Sat, 05 Jan 2013, 05:05
9572AD McDonalds sells god knows how many hamburgers every day. Customer satisfaction remains high.
But most people would agree that they are shit.

I strongly agree there; I had a Chicken Legend meal and banana shake from there yesterday and I felt like shit afterwards.
Sun, 06 Jan 2013, 04:05

Yeah, those aren't real reasons. The product works and customer satisfaction proves it.

Erm, well, I will tend to disagree slightly...

I bought my iMac from a place called Fenwicks, it's a large department store in Newcastle... Cut a long story short, I wangled the extra warranty on it for free.

Took it home, everything was nice, used it, great... 13-14 months later, the optical drive failed, baring in mind, I only used it a handful of times too. Looked on the Apple forums and whoaaa, countless other people have the same issue, disc goes in, churns up a bit, then gets spat back out.

Apparently, the SuperDrive isnt all that super, after reading up on it and finding there is no way of fixing it myself, cost, (Another *cough* superdrive is £80) and dismantling the thing, I phoned Apple up, who told me I had to book my iMac into a local Apple store for it to be repaired. So, I was put through to the one at the Metro Centre, a bloke came on the line, I give him the details of it, and then he asked what was wrong with it, I said "The optical drive is broken", and without a flinch he was "Yeah, just bring your iMac in".

So, I dragged its arse 15 miles to the Metro, walked through the place with it in a box, dropped it off, then, when it was fixed, dragged it back through the shopping centre and 15 miles back home.

A couple of weeks later, I got a phone call from my younger brother who bought one after me (But with a bigger screen), low and behold, his *cough* superdrive had give up the ghost, just out of the one-year warranty too, I told him "I hope you have the extra cover", he was like "Nah, I didnt get it"... Which my reply was "Your fucked then!"

Apparently, to get his *cough* superdrive fixed, being out of cover was gonna roll in at £115, lol, for an optical drive... So he didnt oblige and went and bought an external optical drive for £20 instead!

Though, what he didnt know at the time, is that, when you buy something, the default "one year warranty" isnt set in stone... Because theres a European legislation that states if you buy something, you can demand a full refund if it becomes defected within the first two years of sale. Which, Apple (Or most companies) dont tell you about as they want you to pay for extra cover, which, in some cases, you dont need too!

A bit rich I think, alas though, when we found out about this 2 year warranty thing, it was too late for our young'un, but then, like myself, he's just gonna get a normal PC next time, so if anything breaks, say, the optical drive, then I can buy a replacement for peanuts on the internet, get it delivered and replace it myself, rather then humping a box full of shite around the North-East!


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Sun, 06 Jan 2013, 08:59
steve_ancell Well apples and shit do have one thing in common, they float!.

Depends entirely on your diet! Floats = too high fat content.

Check out my excellent homepage!
Sun, 06 Jan 2013, 10:46
spinal Depends entirely on your diet! Floats = too high fat content.

I'm fat but I don't float. LOL
Tue, 08 Jan 2013, 16:17
I was mainly referring to the OS. I haven't had a problem with the superdrive but I feel your pain. I can see OS X still being around in 10 years and still being stable. I can't imagine where Windows will be in 10 years. It seems like every release it collects more bloat that is abandon for a better solution later. The design of OS X is very organized and well maintained. Old features are even removed in future releases to keep things lean and clean (this of course breaks backwards compatibility which Apple takes heat for). I've always been impressed by it.

Quit posting and try Google.
Wed, 09 Jan 2013, 09:55

I was mainly referring to the OS

Oh, right... lol, because Apple tend to distribute OSX with their machines (Only), I tend to think of the whole lot (hardware and software) as one product, if you get me!

I have no complaints about OSX, I think it's a grand OS, just a shame though that it is so tightly bound to their hardware. If I could use OSX on other setups, like, within their EULA, I'd chuck this thing in the bin and get a nice shiney setup, but, since I cannot, I'm going to give this another year, then, go back into normal PC land (Value for money over expensive nice looking pap), granted, it'll be Windows based, but, I like Linux Mint so, that will find a home in their too!


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Sat, 02 Feb 2013, 02:37
Oh dear, M$
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