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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Into The Unknown

Fri, 25 Jan 2013, 01:00
From Star Trek to Star Wars.. Linkage

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Fri, 25 Jan 2013, 01:00
Oh fuck! As if the last 3 episodes weren't bad enough. Everything he touches turns to shit. Unfortunately the rest of the world thinks the sun shines out of his arse. He promises much but never delivers. Everything he does is always WTF?
Fri, 25 Jan 2013, 02:10
Disney could have chosen Ben Affleck, and they chose J.J?
What a bunch of trolls

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Fri, 25 Jan 2013, 02:40
As much as I enjoyed his rendition of Star Trek, I didn't quite like it as much as a fun-romp episode of Voyager, or the wonderful joys of First Contact.
Instead, it all felt a bit Nemesis'y.
The storyline was half-decent, and the spoilerific universe changing event sure will be interesting in the future, but only if things go back to being a series, which kinda breaks the whole point of having such a commercial movie in the first place!
All in all, it's more an event-ridden storyline, and much like a lot of Russell T Davies' Doctor Who's, once you know the story, and it's plot points, it's lost a lot of it's pull. It's barely rewatchable.

But .. it IS a decent movie. And it's a fuckload better than Nemesis was.
If you look at it from that angle, I'm sure he'll do a decent Star Wars just as well.
Hell, it can hardly be much worse than the rest.

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Fri, 25 Jan 2013, 09:31
But that's the problems with all JJA's stuff - he always has this seemingly unknown plot point that's hidden from the viewers pretty much until the end and then, it's either crap or will be revealed at some point later on (in another series/movie) to be crap. And like you said with Star Trek everything he does is unwatchable a second time.

I agree that Star Trek wasn't terrible, but it wasn't great either (and it so could have been), but yes it was better than Nemesis. And again I agree, I'd rather watch an episode of Voyager than watch it again.

To be fair, The ST films have all been hit and miss though - seems that they alternate between bad and good. I absolutely love Star Trek 4 (Voyage Home) though - the whales one. That's how they should be done - don't take anything too seriously; have a laugh and some fun with the situations and characters. The recent films have all taken themselves far too seriously.

BTW. Coming up with something worse than the last SW trilogy would be a challenge, but not impossible.