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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Pet Health

Mon, 28 Jan 2013, 02:02
Hmmm.. Cat seems to keep doing an odd growl thing, kinda like she’s choking or something.. That’s a bit worrying..

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Mon, 28 Jan 2013, 02:02
Could be a hairball but I would get her checked out incase she swallowed a chicken bone or something.
Mon, 28 Jan 2013, 02:29
Yeah, at first I thought it was a furball, but each time she does it, it's freaking us out more and more..
It's been going on for about a month. every few days, she spends about 5 seconds growling and apparently choking, then... .. nothing!
Vet's probably a good idea, but she seems fine the rest of the time.
.. stupid freakish cat. Hates company, hates people, hides away all day, then chokes at random!
Oddest cat we've ever had..

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Mon, 28 Jan 2013, 04:59
Can't you use your heart rate app on Molly??
Mon, 28 Jan 2013, 05:48
It's a whole Blood-Pressure arm-wrapping thing. I don't think that..
A) It would fit around her arm..
B) It would work if fitted around her body..
C) She would happily wear it..
D) She would enjoy it pumping up..
E) She wouldn't claw the thing to death, and break it...

So, no, probably not..

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Mon, 28 Jan 2013, 06:46
I have a hard enough time getting my cats to wear collars!

Get her to the vet if you can, if it came to it I would drive you!