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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Thin Plotlines

Thu, 04 Apr 2013, 07:24
Today I voted Time Travel even though it’s the least possible of the tree.

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Thu, 04 Apr 2013, 07:24
I would think an evil twin would be the least possible...unless you already have a twin.

All the raw, animal magnetism of a rutabaga.
Thu, 04 Apr 2013, 07:59
My problem with time travel in fiction is that it is always so poorly executed. No-one ever seems to be able to make use of it without contradicting themselves for the sake of the plot.

A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

Keep It Simple, Shroom!
Thu, 04 Apr 2013, 08:10
Time Travel for me, it's what makes Dr. Who? possible.
Thu, 04 Apr 2013, 08:24
I've voted Time Travel. I love a good time travel plot, especially when the storylines wrap around themselves.
Sure, it can lead to some occasional wimpy get-out-of-jail-free excuses, but when done properly you can get some really nice storylines going on.
Star Trek Voyager seemed to do a few too many Time Travel "twists", which generally tended to involve the ship magically fixing itself, or some other crap, but there were also some really great plotlines that used it, too. Year of Hell is a particular favourite, as is that one when they came back to our time, and had a Bill-Gates/Steve-Jobs-alike character stealing all the tech to build his massive computer empire! (Future Perfect? *checks* Nope, Future's End!)

''Load, Next List!''
Thu, 04 Apr 2013, 08:37
I'm usually fine with time travel in Dr Who, when it's used just as a device to set up the rest of the plot (i.e. at the start of each episode) - what I object to is a handful of episodes of the last few series where it's clumsily used to deus ex machina everyone out of some impossible situation in a clearly self-contradictory way.

A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

Keep It Simple, Shroom!
Thu, 04 Apr 2013, 10:46
My fave timeline episode of any show is "Blink" in Doctor Who. Very clever. A good strong episode. Shame all other Weeping Angels episodes were poor.

Other than that, the movie Star Trek 4, where they go back in time to save the whales. Great fun film that didn't take itself too seriously.

And of course, Back To The Future. Great Scot!
Thu, 04 Apr 2013, 13:22
I love a good time travel storyline, no matter what the show/movie. Especially if it has some sort of self-fulfilling , everything falls into place sort or not probable but will going to have happened a few days ago in the future kind of thing.

The problem there is, they quite often make silly mistakes either in the writing or editing.

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