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Socoder -> Off Topic -> How're You Doing?

Tue, 04 Jun 2013, 06:36
I thought I should start a general topic for health/family/whatever.

Spout randomness here.

Healthwise, I'm slowly but surely getting back to normal.
Still having "Bad Days", where I can barely move without vomiting, but those are thankfully starting to happen, less and less, which is good.
I'm marginally more mobile, as a result, although I haven't taken a trip down to the village for a good few months :\

Molly is still pretty much ignoring everyone. She's not a very friendly cat, at all!
She spends most of the day hiding away upstairs in a bedroom, until we all go to bed, at which point she comes downstairs to sleep, instead.. *sigh*
Never had an antisocial cat, before. It's odd knowing there's a cat in the house, but never bloody well seeing it, except when it's feeding time!

''Load, Next List!''
Tue, 04 Jun 2013, 07:05
I'm in the last couple of weeks before my first year exams. But after that I've got a nice long summer to relax in!

A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

Keep It Simple, Shroom!
Tue, 04 Jun 2013, 12:10
I'ver had a really mad few weeks working, from the Friday before bank holiday, to Friday gone, I put in about 80 hours graft to get the house I was working on finished... And.... With a dose of man flu too!!!

In between all that, I still managed to get out for a bit of golf, though, wasnt my finest outings, in fact, I really didnt want to be there as it just added to the exhaustion... But, I said I would play, and, well, didnt want to let anyone down.

Also... I took part in a fitness thingy "Olympic" games, well, my wifes bootcamp group hosted a games day, loads of people dropped out (members) and she was down people for her team, so I said I'd go, I was put in the deadlift one... Strolled in, lifted 160kg, won, walked out, job done, lol, apparently, I'm an animal!

After that house had finished, I literally had no work on, because, well, never had time to look for any really, though, managed to sneak in a new full time job which a mate got me, needed to pass my CITB Health and Safety test for a CSCS card... Went online, booked it, sat and read the guff while having visits to the throne, took the test today... And passed... The test, though granted, I passed quite a bit to pass that, if you get me!

So, I start tomorrow, heading up to Wide Open just north of Newcastle... Pretty pleased actually because if I'm honest, I'm tired of this self employed cack, tired of customers, tired of subbies, tired of builders merchants just being useless... At least now, I go to work, do my bit, finish and get paid, no stupid hours, no running about, no getting fobbed off with subby/customer bullshit and definitely no more saving up holiday pay as I will get it now automagically! \o/

Yep, defo foreseeing a calmer, more relaxing work rate then I've been doing for the last, what, 10 years now... About ruddy time too!


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Tue, 04 Jun 2013, 19:42
I've been really happy over the past month. I'm not really supposed to be happy because high school is supposed to make you depressed. I guess I'm doing it wrong. I've got no clue where the happiness stems from; I'm just really darned happy.

I found out yesterday that I did well on a paper that I was nervous about, so that made me more happy.

My social life has been... changing over the past few months, and I suppose it's for the better. I find myself avoiding people less often. That's a good thing, I think.

Ooh, and I got a cat today! His name is Dantès.
Wed, 05 Jun 2013, 04:28
\o/yeay\o/ New Cat \o/yeay\o/
Wed, 05 Jun 2013, 04:38
You didn't really think I'd let you get by without some pictures, did you?

Wed, 05 Jun 2013, 04:40
Oh! I was expecting a Ginger cat, from the name.. Why Dantès?

''Load, Next List!''
Wed, 05 Jun 2013, 04:44
We had a lot of trouble coming up with a proper name. That one stuck after a LOT of other potential literary references. Since we had already had the cat for a good six hours and hadn't named it yet, we decided that Dantès (after Edmond Dantès) was a good enough name.
Wed, 05 Jun 2013, 06:46
currently working my ass off for graduation. 3-4 weeks remaning! Then it's time to get back to my old employer and buy a house. My daughter is almost 7 months and starting to crawl, just backwards for now

work work work!
Wed, 05 Jun 2013, 07:31
Wow, 7 months, already! That's flown by!!
Wed, 05 Jun 2013, 09:43
The time doesnt wait for no one! LOL
Thu, 06 Jun 2013, 01:34
Slowly recovering after friend's death. Had last exam yesterday, got a good feeling. Went out to drink with my classmates after.
Today the weather is needlessly hot, again, so I'm going to the post office and then sitting with the lappy outside a café downtown writing until the heat has passed.
Can't program when it's this hot!!

Afr0 Games

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