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Socoder -> On Topic -> Hoppy Bobby Sequel Planning..

Sun, 14 Jul 2013, 03:01
Since I first created Hoppy Bobby, in the Ye-olde days of.. um.. May 2013.. I've had visions of a larger, bigger, more story-like adventure game.
Chapters, much like Sheep Goes Left, and a possible shitty little storyline to go with it. ('cos, you know, the "people" like that sort of thing..)

I feel like I can do a lot with Hoppy Bobby.
It's simple, like SpikeDislike, but it has a fucking usable character in it, instead of being a fucking ball and a fucking god damned spike!!!
(I do secretly hate SpikeDislike, btw!!)

Anyway, last night I had a Hoppy Bobby Dream, where I was playing a more finished version of the sequel, and there were plenty of nice new features in the game.

So, this morning, I did what was only natural, copied the folder, and named it "326-HoppyBobby2"
I've still got a bucketload of work to do in RetroRaider, but it seems my ADDCoding is wanting to wander off to the next project, already! whoops!!

So, the question is this..

Which is Better?
Hoppy Bobby's Grand Adventure
Hoppy Bobby's Hopping Hobby
Hoppy Bobby's Giant Leap
Hoppy Bobby 2 : Electric Boogaloo

or your own suggestion..


I also need to come up with a nice way to GameCenter integrate this, without limiting myself to having to stick to the every-present "GameCenter Limited Number of Highscore Tables".
Thinking that maybe using a Bonus method like Sheep Goes Left does, to keep track of times, along with Achievements as you progress.. Not entirely sure, but something like that!

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Sun, 14 Jul 2013, 04:05
I like Grand Adventure and Giant Leap.
Sun, 14 Jul 2013, 08:04
Hoppy Bobby Jumps to Conclusions?
Sun, 14 Jul 2013, 08:06
Fact : There's a "Home" pad in the original.. Just because nobody's managed to reach it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist!!!

(Easy = 500, Normal = 2500, Hard = 5000)

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Sun, 14 Jul 2013, 14:32
So, I started a simple scrolling background thing..
Figured I should start with a blue-sky, green-hills area, so drew a few sprites, and threw them into an engine.

...it kinda works, but it's ugleeee!!
Going to need to spend some time drawing proper assets for this game, methinks!!

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Mon, 15 Jul 2013, 05:41

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Thu, 18 Jul 2013, 07:34

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Thu, 18 Jul 2013, 07:51
Make some of the circles that the platforms follow move. Like up and down. Or along a different circle!

All the raw, animal magnetism of a rutabaga.
Thu, 18 Jul 2013, 07:57
Thu, 18 Jul 2013, 07:57
Perhaps, but it's tricky to keep things possible when they move too far apart!
At the moment I have different platform-movements, like circles, flat left-right, swings, squares and triangles, but all around the size of the circles, which keeps things within a certain reachable limit..

Moving the actual center would cause larger gaps, and thus potentially impossible leaps.

If I can work out a secondary limit of some sort, I might be able to wiggle it in, but.. Tricky..

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Thu, 18 Jul 2013, 18:45
Perhaps Jungle King/Hunt style vines to break up the jumping style?

All the raw, animal magnetism of a rutabaga.
Fri, 19 Jul 2013, 03:51
First off, how does that break it up? You're still jumping from vine to vine..!? It's exactly the same!!!

I'm imagining vines, and seeing two minor issues..

1. The vine has a larger surface area, so you can never really miss the bloody things! Surely they'd make it too easy, wouldn't they?

2. Since the game scrolls up and down, the vines would need to "come" from somewhere, and.. .. I'm not entirely sure where that somewhere might be..

But, even with these quirks, I've plopped "Vines" onto my growing todo-list, and will see if I can come up with anything.
I'll let you know!

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Fri, 19 Jul 2013, 05:30
I drew a cloud, today..

Struggling to keep the framerate going when the resolution gets high.
Poor little laptop's fan kicks off like crazy!!

I may very well be overdoing it with the high-resolution art assets.. Which isn't usually a problem for me...

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Fri, 19 Jul 2013, 07:43
With vines, where you land on them makes the difference in how you continue. The top of the vine enables you to land on higher-up platforms, but doesn't shift left to right. The bottom of the vine shifts left-to-right quite a bit, but allows little in the way of vertical selection. (The midpoints vary essentially linearly, though Jungle K/H drew the vines to look curved.)

Vines would probably be a bit weird in places with vertical scrolling. Didn't know that was an option.

All the raw, animal magnetism of a rutabaga.
Mon, 22 Jul 2013, 04:33

Good grief, I'm getting all artsy on this one!!
Still not 100% sure if I'm sticking with one single platform style per level. Kinda feels lazy, but I'm not sure I can be arsed drawing up to 8 different bloody platforms for each and every theme!!
I'll be able to spice things up with the odd Checkpoint platform, and things like that, though.. so... it shouldn't be too bad.. Hopefully!!

Now that I've started this whole idea of nice looking themes, though, I'm going to have to stick with it.
.. and that's scary for someone with my art skills!!

Especially given how long it's taken to get just those two looking half decent.

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