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Socoder -> Monkey -> Can the Monkey OUYA?

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Wed, 16 Oct 2013, 16:59
So, the game got through review#2 with flying colours.

Guess I oughta start retrofitting my overscan settings to my older android releases, then..!

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Thu, 17 Oct 2013, 06:26
Blog : NeonPlat and OUYA Thoughts

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Mon, 21 Oct 2013, 16:49
This morning (ish, another late start) I awoke with a plan of action. Last night, I suggested on Twitter that maybe Hoppy bobby would LOOK good on OUYA, but as it's only a one-button game, there's not much point to it.
But folk complained and argued, so I opted to give it a go.

This morning, I opened it up, copy and pasted the new OUYA framework updates, and after about an hour, got it running nicely on my telly.
About 14:00, I uploaded to OUYA, and prepared to wait a few days for it to get through review.

At 23:18, HoppyBobby got through review, approved, and is now in the OUYA sandbox!!
That's less than 12 hours, with a proper hands-on review and everything!

Bravo, OUYA guys!!

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Tue, 22 Oct 2013, 00:15
Played Hoppy Bobby on my OUYA!!!!! Jay, I didn't notice any input lag, is the 'on the store' version still doing that for you?

Check out my excellent homepage!
Tue, 22 Oct 2013, 01:10
Yup, guessing it's my setup.. There is an awful lot of wifi in that area... Perhaps that's not a good thing!!?

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Tue, 22 Oct 2013, 13:08
I finally managed to get some time to try compiling for OUYA. And I actually managed to get something running. Admittedly it wasn't the graphics or the music test I was hoping for - it was my test message "behind" the graphics screen saying that you shouldn't be seeing this. Oh well, it's a success - of sorts.

Congrats BTW Jay
Tue, 22 Oct 2013, 17:03
I'm still pondering about getting an OUYA, but I may wait a while to see if they make a revised console with a hard-fix for the controller lag that I keep reading in many corners of the internet.
Tue, 22 Oct 2013, 18:49
The only hard fix would be better antenna components, and they've thus far shown no interest in making any changes there.

Input lag seems to result from multiple sources (so, if you have 4 controllers going, you get lag. if you have one controller and other bluetoothy things, you might get lag.)

All the raw, animal magnetism of a rutabaga.
Wed, 23 Oct 2013, 06:27
The OUYA is currently nestled in the bottom part of the TV cabinet, beside the PS3, and in front of the wireless router.
I imagine, then, that between both of those, and given the insane number of wifi devices around the house, that that's probably the cause of most of the lag!
Seems I may have to reorganise the TV cabinet a bit!!!

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Wed, 23 Oct 2013, 06:44

I only uploaded Hoppy Bobby a couple of days ago, and not only did it rush through review, it's already been thwacked up into the "Play It Like Bawb" section..
Bloody 'ell!!

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Wed, 23 Oct 2013, 08:03
I saw Ouya console in the shop selling for £80...

Questions I have to ask is

are they getting Better? Is the WI FI good?

What the Joypad and button are like? Are they responsive?

I am thinking of getting one today

Wed, 23 Oct 2013, 08:13
"Getting Better" : In what way?! The device is exactly what it says it is, and the only thing that could be improved is the "Discovery" section of the menu. It's a bit higgledy piggledy, but with a little more organisation it'll be great!
No complaints from me!

"Wifi" : Haven't tried, I hooked it up directly to the router since it's sitting right beside the bloomin' thing!
But I imagine it's competent enough. I mean, it's a pretty generic feature, right?! Can't be bad!

"responsive" : I'll say ... Yes, very, quite nice, and actually a fairly decent controller, too. Buttons are nice, although quite noisy!! Thumbsticks and Triggers feel just right. Lovely controller..
I'm currently having issues with Lag, but that's down to the box's position amongst a pile of other techy stuff, more than the device itself.

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Wed, 23 Oct 2013, 09:42
In the interest of balance, I've just been told that GLBasic is also now OUYA compatible, too.

Apparently the "Greedy Mouse" game, in the middle of that pic, was made using GLBasic.

Haven't tried the game, and haven't looked at GLBasic in years, but nice to know there's a decent choice for us old-skool dev'rs!

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Wed, 23 Oct 2013, 10:30
Am I still in the'BAWB' section? thought I had been removed....
Great news on getting in there Jay, it's a sure sign that the OUYA people like your style. I believe 'BAWB' is the guy(s?) responsible for OUYA publicity, not 100% sure though.

Check out my excellent homepage!
Wed, 23 Oct 2013, 11:33
What is BAWB?
Wed, 23 Oct 2013, 11:44
BAWB = Bob in Some American regional accent or other I would expect... Not sure.

Check out my excellent homepage!
Wed, 23 Oct 2013, 11:51
WI-FI has been no issue at all for me on my OUYA - I've downloaded several tests of my GLBasic apps (some upto 10MB, which isn't huge, but is a worthwhile test) and it was quick and didn't fail once.

I wouldn't say the OUYA controller is lovely, but it's nowhere near as bad as the internet will have you believe. Like Jay says they are noisy. I don't personally like the minimal "dome" on the top of the sticks - it seems like my thumbs are always going to slip off. The touchpad is a bit meh in menus - very hit and miss, but it's a good idea. The pads are a nice weight too and don't feel at all flimsy. They are a tad on the "squarish" side, but you get use to them very quickly. Not a XBox360 pad beater, but I think Jay mentioned that they were better than PS3 - and tbh I think that's pretty much a fair comment.
Wed, 23 Oct 2013, 18:24
Lazy Man's Tool

OUYA - Display Stats

Takes the .csv download stat files from the OUYA Dev Center, and makes pictures like this..

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Thu, 24 Oct 2013, 16:15
I now have a nice undulating watery background running on my OUYA - shame that the title and other graphics are nowhere to be seen (I suspect dodgy scaling values).

So, it's getting there
Thu, 24 Oct 2013, 16:17
Everybody OUYA!
Fri, 25 Oct 2013, 02:37
It looks as though my lack of graphics was down to case-sensitivity in newer versions of GLB and Android. My app was looking for ".png" files and they were all ".PNG" files. Lesson learned!

Annoyingly the app compiled properly (for Android) before all the updates.

Fri, 25 Oct 2013, 02:50
One thing.. Mark's OUYA target for monkey seems to specifically use SDK16, even though the general Android target will happily use 17/18.
I'm not sure if this is just a leftover, or if he's done this for a specific purpose, but it might be worth looking into.

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Fri, 25 Oct 2013, 04:07
One thing.. Mark's OUYA target for monkey seems to specifically use SDK16, even though the general Android target will happily use 17/18.

Perhaps it's to ensure compatibility with older devices? Dunno. Android has never been my thing.

Anyway -

View on YouTube

Fri, 25 Oct 2013, 04:27
I dunno, I just figured there was probably something in the OUYA SDK that required it.
Given that I didn't have to actually download anything OUYA specific, though, (Already had the standard Android SDK installed) it's quite nice that Monkey can simply jump into gear with what it's got.

I haven't yet attempted IAP's. Still haven't sorted the Tax Form crap, yet!

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Fri, 25 Oct 2013, 04:38
I'm going to have to sort mine out too - luckily i did one for webOS development, so I should be able to copy & paste what I have. Meanwhile I'll have to go out to my bank to find out the SWIFT(?) info and stuff. Yeah, like I have time for that :/

I still haven't actually played a single game on my OUYA yet.
Fri, 25 Oct 2013, 04:47
Same here.. I played Spinal's Don't Flip Out, and Caffeine Kid's Jumping Jack, but that's about it..

Your "Swift" number is also known as a "BIC" code.. Or at least it is on my Co-Op account. Should be near your IBAN account number.
Have a look on your last statement. Should be an 8 character code lingering around the margins, somewhere.

4 letters, space, 2 letters, space, 2 numbers..
Bank Code, Country Code, some number I don't know!!

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