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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Facebook is Expensive and Coders are Broken

Wed, 03 Dec 2014, 05:19
"Facebook isn't working" came the cries from Mum..
I tested it on my iPad, and it came up in a flash.
Tried it on Mum's... Nothing..
The Facebook frame showed up, but no contents.

So i closed and killed the app, and restarted it.

Rebooted the iPad.

Deleted Facebook, and reinstalled.

Well, the iPad 3 was certainly due to be updated. It was still running iOS7, as I didn't want mum to be baffled by the new iOS8 features.
But if Facebook needs it, then I can't let her suffer.

I updated the iPad 3 to iOS8, and.

Oh boy..

.. Well, it works, but it stutters and jiggers and ...
.. And her Home button's not always working properly.
In fact, you know what.. Sod it..

£469 later, I've ordered myself a new 64Gb iPad Air 2, and will be donating my current iPad Air to her, once it arrives.
She'll have to suffer through the rest of today and most of tomorrow with a stuttering piece of crap.
Then we all upgrade!
Her to my iPad Air, and me to an iPad Air 2!

''Load, Next List!''
Wed, 03 Dec 2014, 06:44
That's the problem with apples, keep them too long and they go rotten.

|edit| Well in harware terms they seem to go rotten fairly quickly. |edit|
Thu, 04 Dec 2014, 02:08
Over the years I've discovered that Facebook's a good place to play "I'm worse off than you!".. It's a giant game of Sympathy Top Trumps with all your old school friends.

Then you all start to realise how old you're all getting, and start getting quite worried that you're all about to start popping-off fairly soon..

Oh joy!!

.. FWIW : You've got the winning hand, by a mile!!

''Load, Next List!''
Thu, 04 Dec 2014, 02:15
Can't figure anything out, or what supposed to do, set, etc

I'm the same. I rarely use it though so don't particularly care whether I've not updated it 100% or personalised it much at all.
Thu, 04 Dec 2014, 02:25
We moved house when I was 7, so I became "The new kid"..
After that, and failing to gather many friends, I instead dug my heels into the wonderful world of programming, and I haven't yet re-emerged!

.. Now I can bombard all my school"friends" with fucktons of my games, craptastic music, ludicrous lego calendars, and other shite, and they can STFU and listen..


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Thu, 04 Dec 2014, 02:29
That's why you're a coder
Thu, 04 Dec 2014, 03:15
I have Asperger's Syndrome, which makes me good at logic and bad at social relations. Interestingly, I also have Dyscalculia, which made me unable to study CompSci in Norway. I still haven't decided if that's good or bad, as I've never been able to do any peofessional programming (I.E paid)
Anyhow... My Asperger's have gotten worse over the years, as I've actually developed some kind of lust/need for social contact. Given my innate ability to fuck my relationship to any human being that I come into contact with, that's a pretty volatile combination, which has lead to deep seated social anxiety (mostly revolving around getting to know new people, and making contact with people I haven't seen in a while.)
I tend to get depressed if I don't contact people for too long, and depressed if I fuck something up socially.
In other words, I spend a lot of time dealing with anxiety and depression. Given the above, I've also developed a pretty interesting case of... absolutely no self worth at all.
Right now I'm revising my manuscript for a novel that I've been working on for about.. nearly two years. A publisher told me that they were interested and which things needed revising.
If the deal goes down the drain I'm probably liable to shoot myself or something.
So yeah... That's me. I'm officially in the socially awkward club, wish me welcome!

Afr0 Games

Project Dollhouse on Github - Please fork!
Thu, 04 Dec 2014, 03:28
Thu, 04 Dec 2014, 03:36
Thu, 04 Dec 2014, 04:43
And Thanks for letting me stay for as long as I have, I guess. After all these years I figured you must have suspected something was wrong with me, and so I might as well come clean.
Thanks for the benefit of the doubt!

Afr0 Games

Project Dollhouse on Github - Please fork!
Thu, 04 Dec 2014, 04:53
Don't worry, we're all very well aware of what's wrong with you

Like I said a while back, you've come a long way in your time here. You started as an extremely volatile member, but over the years you've learned how to deal with your own issues, and have turned out to be a (mostly) decent community member.

I might have to occasionally warn you against certain things, and you STILL keep banging on about MMORPGs, but you've got the general gist of the community.

It's good that you're still here.

''Load, Next List!''
Thu, 04 Dec 2014, 05:30
and you STILL keep banging on about MMORPGs

Because developing them and writing seem to be the only two things that I'm marginally good at. If I wanted to make a living out of the MMO business, I'd have to actually... creating enough assets would take forever!
And I'm not creative enough (?) to make the types of games that you do (though I still think you should make a larger game because you keep whinging that people don't play your AGameAWeek)
Even as much as I like MMO development, a life on social benefits just isn't for me, so either I get a job as a journalist (which I'm seriously concerned about, what with my CV being chock-full of holes), I get some additional money from writing or I kill myself.

Oh yeah, and I actually like being a journalist, despite my condition. I think it helps me socially because I can take on a professional persona when talking to people.

Afr0 Games

Project Dollhouse on Github - Please fork!
Thu, 04 Dec 2014, 05:39
Yeah, seems to be a nice little job you've got. New people, all the time, and always something to chat about

''Load, Next List!''
Thu, 04 Dec 2014, 07:51
Jayenkai Over the years I've discovered that Facebook's a good place to play "I'm worse off than you!".. It's a giant game of Sympathy Top Trumps with all your old school friends.

In my case it's about telling the world that I've killed off the sewer rat population.