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Socoder -> Off Topic -> GUI Layout

Fri, 10 Apr 2015, 09:19
I'm getting to the point where I need to think about placing the usual player info, lives, items held ect to MicroQuest. Anyone got any ideas?

Check out my excellent homepage!
Fri, 10 Apr 2015, 09:19
If you're sticking to widescreen, I suggest adding either a sidebar, or perhaps using the corners to hold info.
Maybe something like Top Right = Disks, bottom right = Keys, that sort of thing..
Also, instead of "Key : Number", try using little bars like I did in futrino.. Would also force the player to a "no more than X keys at once" rule.

''Load, Next List!''
Sat, 11 Apr 2015, 02:42
Assign the menu to a specific key like, say, F10. Games today are supposed to be immersive, you don't want a GUI Breaking the illusion.

Afr0 Games

Project Dollhouse on Github - Please fork!
Sat, 11 Apr 2015, 07:41
Yes, I'm sure a 2D tile-based puzzler needs all the immersion it can get,, :/

''Load, Next List!''
Sun, 12 Apr 2015, 03:18
Breaking what illusion? On my TV the pixels are nearly 1cm across!

Check out my excellent homepage!
Sun, 12 Apr 2015, 05:04
Here are examples of what I'm talking about.



Afr0 Games

Project Dollhouse on Github - Please fork!