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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Today, I Went To The Shop

Fri, 07 Aug 2015, 04:38
Mum's full of the flu, or some kind of virus or something. She's in no fit state to do our regular daily shopping. (Cat food, milk, bread, etc)
Yesterday, we got a neighbour to do some shopping, but today, I attempted to do it myself!!

Tesco's isn't too far. There are only two small roads to cross, and they're not very busy. Even so, tackling roads with balance issues, having to look both ways, swivelling my head around... Not pleasant!!
I reached Tesco's, did a bit of shopping, queued up and got out, all without meeting the hundreds of neighbours that usually crop up, asking questions about my health for hours at a time!!!
And then I made it all the way home, with a bag full of shopping.

And now I'm sitting here, completely fucking shattered, sweating buckets!!

Bloody hell, that was a trek!!!

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Fri, 07 Aug 2015, 04:46
Well done though!

/thumbs up

Fri, 07 Aug 2015, 05:53
Yeah, great work jay, once or twice a week and you'll soon get the hang of it! ....maybes

Check out my excellent homepage!
Fri, 07 Aug 2015, 09:25
You may be knackered but I bet you had a big cheeze grin afterwards

Well done Jay!
Fri, 07 Aug 2015, 09:50
Well done Jay.

Now, can you pop round the corner and get me a pint of milk
Sat, 08 Aug 2015, 05:00
Nice work!
Sat, 08 Aug 2015, 05:02
.... And again..
Hopefully this doesn't become a habit, because.. Fuck me, I'm knackered!!!!

"Where's your mum?" asked about 5 different people!!

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Sat, 08 Aug 2015, 05:27
Technically, yes, I can.
.. But that defeats the point of going out in the first place. I need my exercise, and as hot, sweaty, panting and deathly it might make me feel, I've been told it's good for me

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Sat, 08 Aug 2015, 05:53

The roads are quiet...
I'd say, maybe about 10-20 cars per minute, at rush hour!!

There's a lot of junctions, though, and people tend to leave big fucking vans on the pavement, so you can't look out for cars unless you're stood in the middle of the fucking road!!
Fucking drivers.. Gah!!

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Sat, 08 Aug 2015, 06:13
Yeah, the main road's on the opposite side.
In many ways, it's been nicely positioned, just for short strolls

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Sat, 08 Aug 2015, 13:33
Jayenkai people tend to leave big fucking vans on the pavement

That kind of thing gets on my wick too, that affects pedestrian, cyclist and driver alike.
Sat, 08 Aug 2015, 17:40
Good job Jay! Keep it up!

Create a game out of it, time yourself and see if you can improve

And create a game a week out of it - get platdude to cross roads to get to the shops after having a few drinks