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Socoder -> Concept/Design -> AGameAWeek : 2016 - Part One

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Fri, 20 Nov 2015, 12:57

I'm not entirely sure I'm ready to leap into this, but I figured it'd be a good idea to work on a slightly redesigned menu and that kind of thing.
The current menu system (2015 - Circles) is nice enough and to be fair, it's hardly been used since I took 2015 off from regular AGameAWeek stuff.. But I'm starting to get a little sick of seeing that blueprint every damn time I open a project, so .. Tweaky time!
I could also do with rejigging the options menu a little.
I quite like the way that SpikeDislike3's menu ended up being icon based, so I might look into ripping that out, and putting it into my default engine.

Other things I need to do include rejigging the Loading screen, so that some elements get loaded a teensy bit quicker, and maybe making that screen a bit more imaginative. .. After all, it's been the exact same "Logo + Circle" since my very first Monkey game, back in Jan 2013!!

Anyway, this is the beginning, and this year I'm hoping to get back into the AGameAWeek swing of things.
It's been fun doing practically AGameADay for the past few weeks. Hopefully that hasn't completely fudged my brain, and I can carry on from here, rejuvenated from my year off, and come up with some great new games.

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Fri, 20 Nov 2015, 14:49
They say a change is as good as a rest. Personally I'd rather have some rest right now, but hey-ho!
Sat, 21 Nov 2015, 06:26
Been playing with gfx, today. Quit button, Play button, and those little dotty things that help guide players to hitting the right buttons.
All redrawn so they look a little bit clearer.

I've also been deleting old unused code from my framework to make it all a little neater.
... It's not much neater, and is still a sprawling mountain of chaotic oddity, but at least the "You Game Goes Here" section is a damn sight neater.

Greenie's now completely gone from the framework. I'd like to pop him back in, but there's not many places left for him to go.. The old Testcard Credit-screen is completely gone, now, with the new slidey info screen being the only way to see credits.
In addition to that, I've replaced the "Greenie wonders why you're leaving" screen with a "Unexpected Quit" screen. (The screen only now appears when folk quit using the OUYA's OUYA Button, since there's a proper quit button on the menu, instead.)

Meanwhile, I've been tweaking bits and pieces, adding new functionality, stripping out old unused crap, and generally trying to make the framework look a little neater.
I might also attempt to separate the framework into it's own Framework.monkey file, instead of having it all be in one great big script.. .. But I've not had much luck doing that before, so .. maybe not!!

We'll see..

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Sun, 22 Nov 2015, 14:21
Aaah, good to see AGameAWeek.com back to its classic style.. Linkage

I might have a play, tomorrow, and see if I can find a better theme, but I do like the Graphene theme...

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Tue, 08 Dec 2015, 20:08
In the past couple of days, I've..
A) Got the WordList working, via two completely different methods. The old "Read from image" on HTML5 targets, and a new "Read from data file" on everything else..
.. Yup.. Data files in Monkey, that's a new one for me!!
Look into "DataBuffer" stuff.
Both versions appear to run equally, with words ending up in the same locations in memory.

B) Figured out how to read data from files (see above)
Saving will be target specific, and I don't think I'll be using it, but it's nice that I can at least load levels and things from data files.

C) This!!!
> Reveal 🔎
I said I was going to do something with that bit of code, and by heck am I going to do something with that bit of code!

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Thu, 10 Dec 2015, 16:11
Jeeze, that took fucking ages!!!
Although, to be fair, I have been dealing with another Migraine, today, so coding's been somewhat slower than it oughta be!

But still, there we have it.

Starting from a teensy tiny little thumbnail pixelart thing, the map is loaded, rendered, re-rendered, and finally turned into a table.
Next I need to deal with the different ball colours, but that should simply be a case of plotting different coloured pixels, and then..
Then I need to do collisions with cushions, and also figure out how the hell I'm going to get the pockets to work! Eeek!!

(Oh, and yes, I know there shouldn't be side pockets!! I'm not an idiot!!! That's just for test purposes..)

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Thu, 10 Dec 2015, 17:09

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Still doing ball movement with the cursor keys, at the moment.. I should really look into adding a cue!

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Thu, 10 Dec 2015, 18:14
Looks great! How are you doing the ball physics?
Thu, 10 Dec 2015, 18:47
Very very messily!!!
Lots of tweaking of numbers, which are probably resulting in utterly shit real-world physics, but that looks rather decent Ingame!

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Fri, 11 Dec 2015, 03:28
Going to need more tiles for this one..

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Fri, 11 Dec 2015, 03:40

Smash Balls

NOTE: This is not "Real" physics.. This is "Jay smashing numbers together until the result looks vaguely usable" physics.

ball[Lots] is in groups of 20, where n = (BallNumber * 20)
ball[n]=If 1 then ...is a Ball!
ball[n+1]= x-coordinate
ball[n+2]= y-coordinate
ball[n+5]= Rotation
ball[n+6]= Spin
ball[n+13]= x Move Speed
ball[n+14]= y Move Speed

|update| Updated with added spin |update|

This is the "Striped Ball" image that I've made..
.. (I'll let you work out how that works )

> Reveal 🔎

''Load, Next List!''
Fri, 11 Dec 2015, 09:33
Those balls and their movement look smashing
Fri, 11 Dec 2015, 16:58
"And just like Arcade Pool, Right Mouse to shoot!!"


Right Mouse click..


*Having not used the right mouse button in a long long time, in any of his games, Jay has completely forgotten that HTML5 doesn't do Right Mouse Clicks*

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Sat, 12 Dec 2015, 03:49
That's a bugger, innit!

Sat, 12 Dec 2015, 20:18
Jay has completely forgotten that HTML5 doesn't do Right Mouse Clicks*

Works fine in Chrome...

Tue, 15 Dec 2015, 12:12
Aye, stupidly was using MouseDown(2) instead of MouseDown(MOUSE_RIGHT)...
Old habits, etc etc..

> Reveal 🔎

''Load, Next List!''
Tue, 15 Dec 2015, 15:36
Very nice
Tue, 15 Dec 2015, 16:04
Ohhh, shiny stuff!
Wed, 16 Dec 2015, 01:07
Top work!

I use to love playing Arcade Pool with my Dad on the Amiga!

Wed, 16 Dec 2015, 09:06
This took fucking ages!!!

> Reveal 🔎

The amount of maths involved just to figure out the mouse's position on a rotated, scaled, scrolled tilemap.. Bloody hell!!!
Sorted it, now, but it took hours to wrap my head around it all.

.. Yes indeedy TheRevillesGames.. I've been poking Team17s Twitter account for most of this year, saying "come on, already.. Get Arcade Pool onto iOS!!!" A couple of times they've noticed me banging on about it, but they don't appear to be giving a rats arse about it.
Time's up. Now I'm coming to kick all of their arses!!!

I'm aiming for "as much fun as Arcade Pool", and will go from there.

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Wed, 16 Dec 2015, 09:15
That really does look ace
Wed, 16 Dec 2015, 09:24
Lookin' good!
Wed, 16 Dec 2015, 11:59
First impressions..?

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Thu, 17 Dec 2015, 11:09

Titlescreen's starting to take shape, but needs more buttons!!
Buttons for 1 player or 2 player.
Buttons for difficulty of AI.
Buttons for switching to Arcade Mode.
And probably get rid of that sidebar/scoreboard thing, or replace it with Last Game stats or something.. *shrugs*

... Oh, and then code the gameplay.. and the AI.. and more...
Lots more stuff to go!

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Thu, 17 Dec 2015, 11:29

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