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Socoder -> Off Topic -> iOS11 Features

Tue, 19 Sep 2017, 15:39
Best feature in iOS11 (out now)... Screen Recording! Linkage

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Tue, 19 Sep 2017, 15:39
So you can record all your 32bit apps not working any more! \o/
Tue, 19 Sep 2017, 16:37
Screenrecording, Nice. That is handy. I will still wait a number of days with installing just in case of killing the ipad.
Tue, 19 Sep 2017, 17:33
Backing up iPhings = Having to update iTunes.
Why is iTunes on Windows one of the only programs, nowadays, that requires a sodding reboot??!

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Wed, 20 Sep 2017, 06:07
Oh god, here we go..
Now updating Mum's iPad Air 1.

I expect to soon get a bill for a new iPad!!!

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Wed, 20 Sep 2017, 06:25
Asked my missus last night if she could pass me a newspaper. She says "what you want that for? Just use the iPad".

Fucking spider didn't know what hit it.
Wed, 20 Sep 2017, 06:28
Update complete..

...Mum's iPad seems to have actually sped up a little, which is .. baffling!!!

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Thu, 21 Sep 2017, 07:57

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Thu, 21 Sep 2017, 08:00
Thing that always pissed me off about iOS is that they keyboard always displays capitals, whether you have caps lock on or not.

I think they might have fixed that around iOS 9, though? Still, only took them nine bloody versions to realise it was shit!
Thu, 21 Sep 2017, 08:08
Yeah, that was frustrating as fuck! I know a REAL keyboard doesn't do that, but .. FFS, come on!!

Thankfully they did finally give us that enhancement, at the same time as they started allowing add-on keyboards.
I've avoided add-on's, though. Seems a bit "could be used to record input" 'ish to me!

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Mon, 25 Sep 2017, 12:06
I just installed ios 11. It did not go that great for it got locked in a configuration screen for a half an hour or so until I turned of the power and back on. It then finished really fast.

The update seemed to have fixed the korg gadget problem with streaming from the gadgetcloud. Music now loads and plays almost immediatly. About time.
Mon, 25 Sep 2017, 12:41
Has it?
*checks GadgetCloud*
Ooooh, magic
Thu, 28 Sep 2017, 09:14
Android could do screen recording for years!

*shots fired*
Thu, 28 Sep 2017, 09:37
Yeah, but there wasn't anything interesting to record.


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