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Socoder -> Site & Server -> Server Outage : Night of Wed 26th

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Tue, 18 Sep 2018, 13:44

On the Move?

Kloudhost (our current host) have just been bought by hostpresto, and as of next Wednesday (26th Sept) they’ll be “seamlessly” moving the whole kit’n’kaboodle over.
This will, of course fuck everything up, and I’ll have to piss about trying to get the site up and running again, but hopefully it shouldn’t be too big of an issue,

I’ve asked them about SSL, which currently uses LetsEncrypt, but they’ve yet to get back to me

If the new host doesn’t offer LetsEncrypt, then I’m definitely going to have to find somewhere else.

The new place does offer SSLs, but at the cost of £30 per domain.. and I’ve got 7 domains to deal with... so, that can go and fuck right off..

Let’s play the “what’s a good server” game again!!

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Tue, 18 Sep 2018, 13:58
Update : Nick at Kloudhost says "Yes, we will continue to provide any features you have on your current packages."

So, we should (*should) still have the LetsEncrypt'd SSL once we move to the new server.
Just a case of fixing up any issues that might occur in between, from my side. Not sure how well the site data will cope, but I'll be keeping on top of backups over the next week or so, and god knows it'll be easier than fucking about with Wordpress. Dear GOD, that thing's hell to move!!

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Tue, 18 Sep 2018, 16:59
Fingers crossed...
Wed, 26 Sep 2018, 04:25
OK, tonight's the night. Big server move.

This is the first time I'll be watching a server move happen, mostly out of my control! In all previous instances, I've been handling everything, and I've known how my site handles certain things!!!

The "site" should only be out for a few minutes whilst they transfer it, but they haven't specified a time "per site", and have instead just said they're going to be working through the night to transfer "everything" (ie, all their servers!)
Once it's shifted, then there's the DNS updates to deal with, and of course, ensuring everything got transferred properly.

I've done backups, this morning. If we DO lose anything, it'll only be today's content, unless I do another quick backup later on tonight.

With any luck, the site should be up and running as-per-usual in the morning.

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Wed, 26 Sep 2018, 04:40
Cool, hopefully everything goes smoothly.
Wed, 26 Sep 2018, 07:50
Good luck

What sort of time are we looking at?
Wed, 26 Sep 2018, 09:33
What will happen during migration?
Accounts will be migrated a few at a time starting from 23:00 and completing by 05:00. Your account will be frozen, copied in full to the new server, and unfrozen. This process ensures a full carbon copy of your account is made, with no data loss.

The length of time your account will be offline for will depend on your disk space usage, but typically it will be around 2 to 10 minutes per account. Providing you’re not a night owl, by the time you wake up on Thursday morning everything will have been completed and ready to go.

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Wed, 26 Sep 2018, 10:09
Well, fingers crossed for a smooth ride. But you know that isn't the SoCoder way...
Wed, 26 Sep 2018, 10:19
There'll be a minor php difference that ends up requiring a complete and total rewrite!!

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Wed, 26 Sep 2018, 16:18
AGameAWeek.com is now offline! Hopefully I can get it back, soon!!! AAarrghh!!!

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Wed, 26 Sep 2018, 16:30
And, now everything's gone awry..
For a few minutes I could see my "Server is drunk" message on the new AGameAWeek.com page, but now it's vanished again.

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Wed, 26 Sep 2018, 17:17
Oh dear..

AGameAWeek.com's back. .. On the normal server!!

*imagines the guy in charge of moving the sites seeing the "Server is drunk" notification, and totally freaking out as to how to fix it, then undo-ing and undo-ing and undo-ing*

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Thu, 27 Sep 2018, 04:21

OK, posts are working again...

OK, techy reasons.

Previous SQL databases have happily assumed that if you don't set a default text value, then it should be "".
The new database does NOT assume this, and instead throws up an error..
"Hey, you didn't set a value for Download URL A" when you're posting a simple reply to the forum.

Not ideal.
Safer, I'm sure, but ffs!!!

So, this morning I've had to dig through all the databases and set default text values of "", which seems like the most redundant thing I've ever done in my life!!

Should all be working, now.
As always, let me know if anything's broke.

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Thu, 27 Sep 2018, 05:37
Seems to be working here now
Thu, 27 Sep 2018, 05:55
I just had a white error screen loading the site. I think it said unavailable. Reloading it got me back to the site.
Thu, 27 Sep 2018, 06:12
Still having a weird issue at Blitzcoder.net
blitzcoder.net seems to work, but www.blitzcoder.net doesn't, and I can't seem to find where that setting might be!!

|update| ..it was the browser's cache which was causing that particular oddity.. |update|

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Thu, 27 Sep 2018, 06:21
Yeah, I'm getting the "Over Capacity" message, too.

I'm willing to give things a couple of days to settle down, but if things aren't ideal, I'm prepared for another switch to a better host.
As always, host recommendations are welcome.
Looking for lazy pre-setup cpanel, with LetsEncrypt integration!

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Thu, 27 Sep 2018, 08:21
Ok, everything should be pretty much stable.
As much as the "page load" time has increased to about 10 times the length, the time the pages are taking to transfer seems a bit faster, so.. CPU up, but overall the speed seems about the same as it was.

If you see an error page, or a server overload page, or anything, post it here. I need to know if it's common or a rare thing from the transfer!

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Thu, 27 Sep 2018, 12:47
All good here
Thu, 27 Sep 2018, 13:50
*out of resources* Seen it twice in the past half hour.

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Thu, 27 Sep 2018, 18:20
Definitely moving, fuck this shit, it's worse than when we were on GoDaddy Shared hosting!

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Fri, 28 Sep 2018, 01:17
I get random 'service unavailable' 503 screens. reloading the page seems to work every time though.

Check out my excellent homepage!
Fri, 28 Sep 2018, 02:32
Same here, I was getting loads of 503 stuff yesterday.
Fri, 28 Sep 2018, 02:51
Sorry to hear about the further server woes Jay. You might find this handy regarding automatic page load checking, I use it for work quite often.


Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Fri, 28 Sep 2018, 05:22
More server farts, just had to refresh the page.
Sat, 29 Sep 2018, 02:34
First time I've been able to get on in a couple of days. Actually that's not quite true - I got on, but couldn't post at all one day.
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