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Socoder -> Film + TV -> Oooh, 'Arold

Mon, 07 Feb 2022, 00:13
New to me, this is an odd one; Steptoe and Son Linkage
Mon, 07 Feb 2022, 00:13
Our Sanford and Son was based on that. Personally Iiked both.
Mon, 07 Feb 2022, 03:37
Loved it BITD. And it's still just as funny today. Times have definitely changed nowadays though, and not necessarily for the better.

The rag & bone men of yesteryear were the pioneers of recycling - something that society today has a real problem with still.
Mon, 07 Feb 2022, 03:53
We still have "Barry The Scrapman" doing the rounds through the village, every Sunday. People leave all kinds of odds and sods on the road for him to pick up.
Not entirely sure what he does with it all, if I'm honest. He probably just sorts it into metals and such, then takes it down to the recycling centre.. *shrugs*

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 07 Feb 2022, 11:02
As is quite common for me, it's difficult to understand half of what these old British tv shows are saying. The speech is fast and I guess it's "cockney", or maybe a blend of Irish, Scottish or Welsh dialect. Half the time I find myself wondering what they're actually talking about, lol. Still enjoy it on some deeper level though. Probably because my family's roots are from that region of the world.
Mon, 07 Feb 2022, 11:16
Yeah, definitely lots of rhyming slang and terms that aren't generally used nowadays.