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Socoder -> Art and Sound -> ''DPaint'' Web-based Tool

Tue, 11 Apr 2023, 03:27
Stef who made that browser music tracker now made a browser Dpaint - Linkage
Tue, 11 Apr 2023, 03:27
But don't call it DPaint if you aren't going to make it look like DPaint!
Looks more like any other generic modern day. tool. It should have a garish black-on-white GUI over on the right!

Also, where's that cool symmetry/pattern brush? That was awesome!

Additionally, though you can set the gradient fill to be Dithered, when set to be none-dithered it smoothly transitions from Colour A to Colour B, and doesn't take the palette into account.

Additionally, additionally, the Wrap-Fill is missing. That was cool, too!!

''Load, Next List!''
Tue, 11 Apr 2023, 04:04
Yeah, a oldskool skin would be great.

This is version 0.1 which I found minutes after it was posted on on facebook. He might add a lot stil.
Wed, 12 Apr 2023, 03:37

Well, at least it isn't lying about being able to load Amiga format images!

Such art skills!!!

For those interested.. The Maze was coded in Amos.
This was a top down maze game. When I went to college and remade this in QBasic, it got given the JNK moniker that all my other QBasic things got given. JNKMaze was born.
After this I wondered how well it might work if it was a platform game instead of a top-down maze, and that became JNKPlat

Platdude is almost very nearly platdude in this..
He's no head, though, and big stumpy feet.

''Load, Next List!''
Wed, 12 Apr 2023, 04:26
The author mentioned a classic dpaint interface mode wil be made in the future.