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Socoder -> Film + TV -> ST Discovery - Season Four

Sun, 10 Oct 2021, 14:58

ST Discovery - Season Four

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Another galaxy wide threat.
Can we be bothered to watch them solve it with a last minute Deus-Ex?
Perhaps the galaxy wide threat will turn out to be a child who's scared of horses?

Season 4 begins November 18th, but where, and how to watch it, I'm not 100% sure. I'm expecting it to still be Netflix, but.. *shrugs*

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Mon, 11 Oct 2021, 02:07
Looks like the other show has gone for the 'cant afford any sets so the 500 year in the future, millions of lightyears away tv show is going to be set in 2021 in America' option.

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Just the same way the 'Famous all of time and space at there fingertips alien has another adventure in the 21st century UK'...

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Mon, 11 Oct 2021, 02:29
I think I'm alright with that as a concept. IV : Voyage Home and Voyager's Future's End were great Trek adventures.

Let''s just hope they don't fuck it up.
*thinks about ALL the latest Trek shows*

Oh, bugger.

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Wed, 17 Nov 2021, 09:07
Oh, hey stupidity, how you doing? Been missing you.

What's that? Netflix no longer have the rights to discovery, so even though it launches on Paramount Plus TOMORROW, it won't show up over here until Paramount Plus shows up over here, NEXT FUCKING YEAR?

Oh, cool.

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Wed, 17 Nov 2021, 09:21
I can not find any old ep of discovery either. I just read they are going to remove st picard and lower decks from prime also.

I had given up on the star wars universe as I have no interest in stacking up a subscription for every show that might be good.
Wed, 17 Nov 2021, 11:21
The network are going to die. Nobody is going to pay each network to watch shows. People will pay for things like Prime or Hulu and maybe Disney+, but if it is not on one of those people will simply download the shows they want.

Just as asinine as the news sites who put up paywalls expecting you to pay for each newssite. People simply found new news sources or they found ways to bypass the paywalls.
Wed, 24 Nov 2021, 15:38
Discovery broadcasts from Friday, and then Fri, Sat and Sun using the "Pluto TV" app.
Seems a nice app.
Free to download, free to use, and has TONS of "channels" available, though it's all ad-supported.

Currently watching Mythbusters Channel, and .. so far, the ads have been entirely for other "channels" on Pluto, so quite how/where they're making their money.. no idea!!

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Fri, 26 Nov 2021, 14:45
Gawd…. Adverts…. Gah!!!!
Fri, 05 Apr 2024, 02:42
My favourite of all the modern Star Treks returned last night, with not one, but TWO episodes!

.. Oh, no, wait.. I forgot..


Episode one of the series laid out the groundwork.
You know how, in the past, it's felt very much like they've stretched a single storyline out, padding it out relentlessly, desperate to fill an entire season with a small storyline that can barely fill a single episode of Trek?

Well, this year, they've literally taken the storyline from a single episode of Trek and will be stretching it out to fill an entire season.

Episode one plodded along at a decent pace, and then I made the mistake of immediately watching Episode Two, where the show went back to "Let us talk about our feelings", and "I believe in you", and "You are greater than the sum of your plotlines", and "We are together, we shall never be apart, didn't you leave last season, why are you back, never leave again, oh are you going now, ok, bye.."

Holy hell, Episode two was a slog to get through.

Don't watch two episodes together.

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Sat, 06 Apr 2024, 05:34
The last Picard season was fine. They are doing another star trek motion picture with the last cast.

Skipping the rest until I read positive news.
Thu, 30 May 2024, 16:59
Just watched the last episode of Discovery, and ...
The episode finished about 50 minutes into the 1h:25 episode.
After that, it was pure garbage.
"I love you"
"I will miss you"
"We are all a family"
and on, and on, and on, and on, and on and on and on and.. OH MY GOD THERE'S STILL ANOTHER 15 MINUTES TO GO!

"It'll be OK", I said to myself, "15 minutes is AGES, I bet they'll throw a spanner in at the last minute..."

There was no spanner.
It just drivelled on for another 15 minutes.
That has got to be THE worst ending for a Trek show, EVER.

No matter how many people complained about Enterprise's ending, that has nothing on this.
Oh my fucking god.

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Fri, 31 May 2024, 06:42
I've got to watch it this weekend. I can zone out after the first hour then! I've mostly just been watching these. I don't like the future setting at all, especially the ships. I do like the spore drive but it feels a bit too Superman and there's not much place to go with it, excuse the unintentional pun. I really hate the personal transporters too...I mean you could be sat on the loo and someone just ....whaaapp... oh sorry, wrong room! The crying and we can do anything because we believe in you gets a bit too much for me...I want photon torpedos, borg and well, sci-fi stuff.

Mostly, I will be glad it is over so I can unsubscribe from Paramount+. I've enjoyed Lower Decks far more (than I should? nah - I like this type of thing and love there is a Star Trek for it) and discovered a few good and also cheesy shows on P+ but I think I've exhausted everything. Can come back when there is enough to watch again. I really don't know how these services are going to survive all fighting for content and putting up prices.

Thanks for the warning about the end. I know TNG3 I mean Picard series 3 did this too, but that felt they got the balance right and was what it needed.

Andy H
8-bit games at www.hewco.uk
Cartoons at awful.ovine.net
Ovine at ovine.net
Fri, 31 May 2024, 07:28
There's always Strange New Worlds.
Of ALL of the recent Treks, that's definitely the stand-out, and it's simply because it feels the most like a classic Trek show.
.. Which is what the rest of them should bloody well be.

Still waiting on confirmation on The Orville Season 4. That oughta be good if that happens, if only for the fact that The Orville was also a very good Trek show, even though it wasn't, but it definitely was!

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Sat, 01 Jun 2024, 03:41
Yea, SNW is good Trek. That'll be something to come back to.

Andy H
8-bit games at www.hewco.uk
Cartoons at awful.ovine.net
Ovine at ovine.net