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Socoder -> Site & Server -> Site Tweaks - Oct 2024

Tue, 08 Oct 2024, 09:23

New Layout - Oct 2024

I've been spending a bit of time in Discord of late, and jumping back to 1990's era SoCoder is making me go "Hmm... Maybe I oughta tweak things a bit."

So, I tweaked things a bit..

Head into the Paintbrush settings section, and you'll want to Enable the New Layout

The new layout..
A. Removes borders between posts

B. Removes the Homepage/PM from the bottom of posts. (This section now lives in user profiles. Click a persons avatar to find it.)

C. Removes sigs.. Not sure what to do about those. Suggestions welcome.

D. Reduces the long "Posted : " timestamp that used to be much larger. The new minimal timestamp is a fair bit neater.

E. Removes other clutter, like the Edit/Delete buttons. These are now in the new menu.

F. Adds a new menu. Either right click in any space inside the post (done so you can still select text and copy it, or whatever, if you right click on something other than blank space)
Alternatively, there's a teensy button on the top right of each post.

There's 2 new themes. A NeoDark and NeoLight which fit the new layout a little better, but you can still use your favourite themes.

So, umm...
Yeah, that's been a couple of chaotic days!
Apologies if anyone noticed the site breaking intermittently over the past day or two!


Suggestions, thoughts, comments, etc, are all welcome.

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Tue, 08 Oct 2024, 12:55
Can you add alternating post colors to the NeoDark theme ?
Like every second post in a slightly higher tone ?
It would make the distinction between posts easier, i think.
Tue, 08 Oct 2024, 13:56
Yeah, the engine handles that, try out the Smoke theme for roughly what it'd look like.
I'll add "_Alt" versions for the neo themes some time tomorrow.

|update| added |update|

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Thu, 10 Oct 2024, 02:59
Thanks, its a bit better !
Mon, 14 Oct 2024, 04:42

Play Video

Video Uploads are now in place, but videos won't play directly on the site, and will open in a new tab.
MP4's are supported, MOV's might work, AVI's will probably break because, of course they would.
(Also, filesize limits, obv!!)

Note : Don't abuse this functionality, or I'll take it away. No uploading entire movies squished into 10Mb filesizes!

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Mon, 14 Oct 2024, 05:01
Mov Test

Play Video

AVI Test

Play Video

The drag'n'drop kinda breaks for both of those, and the avi won't playback on the Mac.
So, um..
Maybe stick with mp4 if you have that option.

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