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Socoder -> JSE -> JSE - Sound Stress Test

Mon, 30 Dec 2024, 06:41

JSE - Sound Stress Test

Been fiddling with "Sound" functionality for the past few days.

Vague explanation of the functionality
> Reveal 🔎

Stress Test

I've written a quick stress tester. The engine "should" be pretty OK with it, but I'd like everyone to give it a whirl and let me know how it does.
On my MacBook, the FPS is fine, and I'm getting the %age value up as high as 12%.
On the Quest 3, the FPS is still fine, but the %age is hitting about 30%.

> Reveal 🔎

But ...
For sanity's sake, can we all give it a go, and let me know how your system copes with it.
Hold K for a bit, (maybe hold your ears, too!) and watch the lower of the two values. (and the FPS, if that drops!)
Gimme a nice average for the lower number. Maybe even a peak value if you can catch it.

If you can, you can test the sound function here
Ta all

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 30 Dec 2024, 08:05
All test ran fine but one:
Holding the V button (gamepad.x) on the keyboard, the sound starts, but then it stops abruptly.
It takes a while before the other sounds can be played again (after it stops), and it can be fastened by switching the (chrome) tabs

Here is the audial representation of what is happening:
File.io file sharing the link expires in 2~3 days.
Mon, 30 Dec 2024, 08:12
Yeah, that's the audio buffer being overloaded. I need to find a way to avoid that. But the code's still slaving away in the background, so it's good to know it's running full speed

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 30 Dec 2024, 09:50
Pretty much always 63 / 0 on the M4Pro. It blips up to 6 and I *think* I may have seen a 12? Not sure. Top number never changes
Tue, 31 Dec 2024, 05:36
Had to faff about with extra audio "nodes". It was the constant creation+deletion of the nodes that was causing the audio-glitches. I thought I'd blown out the audiobuffer, but that wasn't the case.

So, instead I've made some permanent nodes for output, and hopefully that should help alleviate the "cut out" issue.

Here's the Newer Version of the Sound Stress Test.
It now plays an MP3, and a JMTrackr file in the background, as well as adding panning and mixing in some "normal" audio, too. Honestly, turn your volume down before starting this one!!! (but loud enough that you can still hear it)

Importantly I'm after that "blackout" thing. If you see that, let me know.
The FPS and Stress%age should be pretty stable, I think.

''Load, Next List!''
Tue, 31 Dec 2024, 08:07
So far it is running ok on my windows (chromealike) web browser.
Thu, 30 Jan 2025, 14:02

So, anyway, I got around to adding that Sound Editor, today.

Topright tool button, and it's currently the 4th down the list.

It might not be the most intuitive sound editor you've ever seen (and in fact, it has no load/save, currently, so .. It's all copy+pastey..)

It "works"!
Blippity blip blip bleep!

: Download
This is what happens when you hit "Random" over and over.

''Load, Next List!''
Fri, 31 Jan 2025, 14:45
Overhauled the Download HTML5 Project function so that it now includes any MP3s you've added along the way, and also has the new sound functionality.

I don't *think* I broke anything!!!!

Advantages of having the mp3s downloaded are..
1. Less stress on THIS server when you're playing your games hosted elsewhere.
2. You can then replace those mp3s at your end, so can include your own music.

Be sure to refresh to JSE v.3gic

''Load, Next List!''
Sun, 02 Feb 2025, 14:47
More tweaking.
I've stripped out the "impulse_nnn.wav" echo files from the engine.
It's been 4 years since I started this, and impulse waves can now magically be generated in-engine! Oooooh!

With the help of AI, I now have the whole set of echoes converted from .wav to a code function. Luvly stuff.
(Though, a couple might sound more than a little different. apologies for that, this isn't an exact science!)

I still can't figure out why the mp3 music won't play with the echoes, though. Having one heck of a time with that, likely because it's an audio stream I think. Not sure. Weird issue...
But everything else is now golden.


There may be (will likely be) the odd "pop", at the moment, whilst I try to balance the output of all the different echo styles, but otherwise it should be good to go.

The result of all of today's work is that the base player.zip is now about 1.5Mb smaller. So .. \o/yeay\o/
Plus it makes it easier for me to tweak the Echo function in future, so you can have a couple of new parameters to play with. But those can wait, 'cos I'm knackered!!!

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