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Socoder -> Question of the Day -> QOTD - February 2025

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Wed, 12 Feb 2025, 01:44

Question of the Day : February 12th

What are you currently curious about?
Wed, 12 Feb 2025, 01:45
Whether I should redo the entire JSE Asset Library from scratch, because the symbol-organisation a bloody mess.
I haven't even uploaded it yet!!!

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Wed, 12 Feb 2025, 08:41
Oddly enough, asset creation is also on my agenda! I've nearly finished off some stuff for work to help regular members of staff create frames for our tv's that have just gone up today to be able to create something that looks good, from a web interface output to a fairly large image, with a range of supporting assets, layers, alignment bits and bobs, padding, colour setting, ease of importing and browsing asset libraries whilst maintaining some form of house style.

It's been intense development and looks like some sorta DTP software now, just on a webpage. I just have to sort out the last few dregs of it including some more assets (bkgs, borders, overlays, etc) which will start from around 7am tomorrow morning...

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Wed, 12 Feb 2025, 09:17
Woot! Sounds like a fun project. Percentages and formatting to fit ratios and resolutions and such!

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Wed, 12 Feb 2025, 16:39
I'll see if I can post some screenies tomorrow, it's come together pretty quickly. Before that i was making a ticketing system to replace a very ancient piece of software that didn't run well with more recent versions of PHP and weighed in at over 100MB. My solution weighs in at roughly 400kb, it's been fun making lots of tougher bespoke stuff of late and then tailoring it to specific needs

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Thu, 13 Feb 2025, 01:34

Question of the Day : February 13th

When was the last time you felt truly alive?
Fri, 14 Feb 2025, 00:38

Question of the Day : February 14th

What's your idea of a perfect vacation?
Fri, 14 Feb 2025, 00:53
The days when I play with a joystick/pad instead of typing endlessly on a keyboard all the time.
.. Pretty much No Man's Sky time, then.

Got my "Subscription is about to renew" notification from Xbox GamePass, this morning. The Rogally gave me 3 months free subscription, and I think I played about an hour of it...
Cancelled that.
.. No time for vacations

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Sat, 15 Feb 2025, 02:03

Question of the Day : February 15th

How do you approach collaborating with people online?
Sat, 15 Feb 2025, 02:18
AGameAWeek doesn't spare the time to squeeze other people into the mix.
This year I'm trying to get AGameAWeek regular to suggest monthly themes and possible ideas within those themes. That seems to be working ok.
But that's probably as close as I can get.

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Sun, 16 Feb 2025, 02:10

Question of the Day : February 16th

What's the best way to meet like-minded creatives?
Sun, 16 Feb 2025, 02:10

> Reveal 🔎

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Sun, 16 Feb 2025, 03:03
The best way is to join Forums and Groups with the same interests.

...Aw, who am I kidding.. SoCoder's been dead for years. :/

even the slightest activity indicates life ... so it can't be dead ... it's only not as active as it could be ...
Mon, 17 Feb 2025, 00:35

Question of the Day : February 17th

Have you ever gotten inspired by a mistake?
Tue, 18 Feb 2025, 01:35

Question of the Day : February 18th

Do you start with characters or environments first?
Tue, 18 Feb 2025, 01:49
Aye, I've been saddled with a lot of out of office hours web dev of late so game dev has taken the backseat for a while sadly.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Wed, 19 Feb 2025, 00:50

Question of the Day : February 19th

What does "success" look like for you as a creator?
Wed, 19 Feb 2025, 00:52
When I get two different bits of feedback for a game, meaning at least two people played something!!!

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Wed, 19 Feb 2025, 02:10
Here's some screenies of this tool I've been making for work recently, it's pretty much all done now, has in-line audio help, drag and drop elements, layering, rotation, flipping, it's looking pretty nice and, hopefully, easily usable with all the shortcut keys and right click menus I've bunged in there to assist moving and scaling elements.

In my eyes, success is when something decent is finished.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Wed, 19 Feb 2025, 03:39
Thu, 20 Feb 2025, 02:22

Question of the Day : February 20th

Do you collaborate often, or do you prefer solo work?
Thu, 20 Feb 2025, 05:06
Nope. And yes.. Would be nice, sometimes, but on previous attempts I've generally finished and released the game before anyone else has begun organising themselves.

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Thu, 20 Feb 2025, 11:04
I collaborate with my workmates and improve stuff over their feedback.

Related: better layer management added today

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Fri, 21 Feb 2025, 01:21

Question of the Day : February 21st

Have any recent games, movies, or books influenced your work?
Fri, 21 Feb 2025, 01:43
... nope :/
Honestly can't remember the last book I read. I mean, I can, it was Quantum Leap : Pulitzer, but that's not exactly a recent book, having been published in 1995! I read it when the Quantum Leap Podcast got around to doing a review of it, so that would've been about a year and a half ago. RIP Matt Dale

I DO keep adding the "Apple Books : Free book of the week" to my iBook library, each week, but haven't read any of them, so have the biggest library of mostly-chic-fic books to read through should I ever find myself being bothered to read anything.

The last movie I watched was that god-awful Section 31 Star Trek movie, and god knows that was shite. Enjoyable, and an amusing romp, but only if you ignore it being anything Star Trek related in the slightest.

Prior to that I tried watching IF, and got about 1/2 way through before another seemingly random jump-cut happened that felt, for the third or fourth time, like the movie was made up of scenes stitched together without a very good narrative, and it took me out of it enough to switch off.

Oh, and the least said about the travesty that was the Beetlejuice sequel, the better.

So, no.. None of those have made me go "Oh, boy, I should make a game based on those!!!"
.. or maybe they HAVE influenced my games.

Maybe they've made me go "Fuck that shit, I'm making a fun game.."

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Sat, 22 Feb 2025, 01:32

Question of the Day : February 22nd

How do you balance music volume with gameplay sounds?
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