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Socoder -> Blitz -> Scrolling tiles

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Sat, 28 Dec 2024, 13:42
You have a fully functional text box, for the cutscenes. Can you not repurpose that, instead of trying to cram it all onto a single screen?

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 30 Dec 2024, 04:15
Added a gradient fade so I can scroll the test up

Just like the fade to black, the gradient resolution is 1:1 no matter the scale of the pixels, so it will always look good(ish).

Thats aanother bit of polish that could have waited until the game works better.

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Fri, 03 Jan 2025, 05:45
It's all progress though! Looks really nice
Sat, 04 Jan 2025, 09:29

3 Days and I just can't figure out in my head what my maximum scroll amount needs to be! the screen height is variable, pre scalled pixels should be somewhere between 160 and 180, but from then on, I seem to be calculating my max height of the full credits text wrong. This is basic arithmatic, I should have had this down by age 8!

My brain is assuming it should be something easy like (screenHeight - creditsHeight) but can I hell make the numbers line up.

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Sat, 04 Jan 2025, 09:51

Presuming you're trying to do something like this (sorry, I didn't read enough, and have assumed everything here!!!), you want to bump topy to screen height once CreditHeight(+topy?) is higher then the top of the clipboard. Not the screen height.

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 06 Jan 2025, 09:57
I was WAY over thinking it. started over, used an array for the text and plotted from the top of the screen instead of the clipboard graphic.

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Mon, 06 Jan 2025, 15:22
Got a supid brain itch about what a 'real games title screen' is supposed to look like...

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Sat, 11 Jan 2025, 16:04
Bounced the menu a little, to make it look like a 'real' game

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Sat, 11 Jan 2025, 16:50
That's a nice effect.
Mon, 24 Feb 2025, 15:54
Removed 66% of the image converting code, its really easy to get stuck messing with a bunch of files one at a time by filename when you don't need to.

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Mon, 24 Feb 2025, 15:57
How d'you mean?
Tue, 25 Feb 2025, 01:34

I was loading, redrawing and saving 30+ images in the following way, because it was straight forward when there was only a couple of images at the start. Then I realised yesterday, that to do that, I don't actually have to know anything about the images other than the file name. The number of frames etc. are in no way required to resize them.

So I replaced most of it with...

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