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Wait for Input

13th April 2007

In Blitz if you want to have a program wait for a key press you can use WaitKey. What if you want to wait until either a key is pressed or the mouse has been clicked? Any suggestions?


get album art from an MP3 (APIC frame?)

13th April 2007

Would the file size not be stored in the PNG file header or something?


RPG Game

12th April 2007

Version 0.01
Heres a very early working version. You can do some stuff like equip items, eat food, use keys to unlock doors, and set off pressure plates.
Key controls for actions are:
L : look
O : open
E : eat
U : use
D : drop
Right clicking some*snip*


Convert between Integer and ASCII

11th April 2007

If its just one character then you can add 48 to it to turn it into its ascii code;
If the intger is several characters long then you could turn it into a string and go through each character getting the ascii code for it. I don't know if this is exactly *snip*


get album art from an MP3 (APIC frame?)

11th April 2007

Well for C there is Bass which is free as long as you dont use it for commercial purposes.
Dont if it works with C# but if it dosent theres probably a wrapper around for it.


#095 - The Zero G Challenge

10th April 2007

Then do it here and leave a comment ;)


Stripping tabs in PHP

10th April 2007

\\t should be it. Its the same in C if you want to put tabs in strings and stuff.


#094 - The Atari 2600 Challenge

10th April 2007

Dragonfire really feels like a genuine 8 bit game. Good stuff Eikon :)


is the type deleted?

10th April 2007

Hey paul Ignore the above code the Null thing worked and its much easier. Example:
Graphics 640, 480, 32, 2
SetBuffer BackBuffer()
Dim t_han(1000)
Type thing
Field x, y, c
End Type
For i = 1 To 1000
t.thing = New thing
t\\x = Rand(0, 639)*snip*


is the type deleted?

10th April 2007

Heres a working example of what I meant:
Graphics 640, 480, 32, 2
SetBuffer BackBuffer()
Global things=1000
Dim t_han(1000)
Type thing
Field x, y, c
End Type
For i = 1 To 1000
t.thing = New thing
t\\x = Rand(0, 639)
t\\y = Rand(0, 479) *snip*


Type Handle Example

10th April 2007

Heres some example code of using a handle to get types. I dident write this, it was originally posted on CW by Bram32, but its a good explanation and a useful thing to know so here it is:
Type enemy
Field x
Field y
End Type
;make an ar*snip*


is the type deleted?

10th April 2007

That wouldent work using a handle for your types tho Blitz3Dman.
Something like this should though:
Have a variable that holds the number of objects that exist.
When you delete an object swap its handle with the handle number at the position to where th*snip*


Site Update - 26 March 2007

10th April 2007

Cool :)


is the type deleted?

10th April 2007

I'm not completely sure. I had the same problem once before but forgot what I did to solve it.
When deleted does the object get reverted to Null? If that was it you could check that its not Null before returning it.


Subnet Calculator

9th April 2007

Yeah the validations screwed up in IE. It only lets you put 2 characters in the IP address fields when a lot of the time you need 3. The rest should work fine tho.
[edit]Er. Just found out that the subnet range list is screwed up in IE too :-/[/edit]


Subnet Calculator

9th April 2007

Its pretty boring and I dont know if any of you guys will find a use for it but
this is what I have been working on this week. I made it with the idea that it would make a networking assignment I got to do easier but it probably took longer then the ass*snip*



8th April 2007

Well happy birthday too then steve :)



8th April 2007

Happy birthday blanko :)



8th April 2007

In a sense yes. In English you would not use alert in that context.



8th April 2007

Oh and this:
[quote]Plz, be patient and alert me about my grammatical errors![/quote]
Could maybe be changed to something like:
[quote]Please be patient and notify me about my grammatical errors.[/quote]


How to be Productive

8th April 2007

- Do you program late at night
Yes because theres nothing around to disturb.
- Do you bring food? Drink? What kinds?
Lots of tea or coffee. I don't tend to eat much when coding.
- Do you program in the dark, or with the lights on?
Lights on, but a dim*snip*



6th April 2007

When I click the link it takes me to some site asking me to logon?
Does that webspace provider allow direct linking? If not Id recommend using one that does.



2nd April 2007

Hey I didn't say you were. I just think he was asking that this topic didn't turn into a criticism of his code ;)


Project Motivation

2nd April 2007

Good luck with it :)
If you are planning something big then I would recommend using a language that everyone is familiar with. IE: Blitz.
If you really want to use and learn C++ and open GL. Then it may be better to start of with simple things. Like a WW*snip*



2nd April 2007

I'd agree that the format of your code is important for it to be easily understood by yourself and others, but:
[quote=Blitz3DMan]Included is my uncleaned code, please don't get mad at me[/quote]

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