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Dropdown Menu

16th December 2006

A dropdown menu function with a little demo prog:
Graphics 1024, 768
SetBuffer BackBuffer()
;**********************!!! GLOBALS NEEDED IN PROG*snip*


No Floppy drive!

13th December 2006

My floppies for my amiga always seemed to break for more or less no reason. My laptops got a floppy drive but to be honest it dosent do much more than waste space as I never use it except in a couple of cases where I wanted to install some very old softwar*snip*


3D Sonic game in Dev

6th December 2006

[quote=Jayenkai]I think we can all agree that SA1 is pretty much the high point of 3D Sonic. SA2's forcing of non-Sonic levels made it all kinda crappy, and then Heroes went and killed everything else. Including the player, over and over and over, for no r*snip*


#078 - The Flying Challenge

6th December 2006

Okay heres a crap one to start off ;)
AppTitle"Mega Glider"
glider = CreateImage(32, 32)
SetBuffer ImageBuffer(glider)
Color 150, 50, 50
For i = 1 To 16
Line i, 0+i, i, 32-i
SetBuffer BackBuffer()
While Not KeyHit(1)


QOTD - Bothering to Sort Things

23rd November 2006

I only know how to do a bubble sort :(
For sorting Types I give them a handle and swap that according to whatever field I want to sort em by. Still thats probably not the best way to sort Types.


Hello, world, from my laptop

20th November 2006

I find windows XP quite alright. Its better than 98 in many ways. The system restore with XP has been very useful for me, you can get rid of unwanted changes made such as IE7 being installed :p XP's also far more stable than 98 since they got rid of DOS. *snip*


Logic Box

8th November 2006

this is just a screenie of a little puzzle game I started making last night.
Basically you will try to make curcuits that do different things, like the one I made above, using as little components and wire as possible.
Anyway I hope i'll *snip*


I got a job!

8th November 2006

Cool :) , hope you have fun with it.


Had a Virus :(

2nd November 2006

Yeah I got AVG. Thats what found and removed the prog.


Had a Virus :(

2nd November 2006

I found some stuff to do with fservice in my registry and deleted it.
I then deleted the prog I put in system32 folder but I get that message again. I think the entry in my registry might have been given some dodgy name.
I got several free registry clea*snip*


Had a Virus :(

31st October 2006

Cool I do that.


Had a Virus :(

31st October 2006

I found I had a trojan I dident know about a few days ago, so removed it. It was an exe called fservice in my system32 folder. It ran on startup and at various other times while my PC was running.
Since it was removed I kept getting stupid messages sayin*snip*



30th October 2006

Somehow I doubt that letters real. But yeah Ive had some teachers that have been kinda like that.


Hello from a SoCoder Noob.

26th October 2006

Hey Bram! Its good to see you found us again :)


Drawing Circles

4th October 2006

Thanks Jay :) Diablosdevil posted a different version on Dev Crunch, you both seem to be using trigonomery, so i guess it must a better way to do this. I'll check em both out when I get home and figure out how they work.


Drawing Circles

4th October 2006

I'm trying to make a line of sight function for my game, but I am not very good at maths.
If you run this demo you can see a function that draws on a grid from the player to the distance he can see. It has a diamond shape that dont look right so now I wa*snip*


How do you not cls somthing while clsing other things?

3rd October 2006

If this is Blitz Basic then you could draw the particles to an image buffer. That way you clear the back buffer each loop, and the stuff on the image buffer stays the same. EG:
graphics 640, 480
particles = createimage(640, 480)
while not keyhit*snip*


Lots of CSS Problems

3rd October 2006

Cool, i'll try that :)


#068 - The Turn Based Challenge

3rd October 2006

Okay heres my entry. Its only just working, you can take turns, move your men and attack. Its 2 player only and theres no network play at the moment. The source code is included.
When setting up the game right click to move to the next stage.


Lots of CSS Problems

2nd October 2006

The college computers have higher res, mine only goes up to 1024*768.
[quote]How are you linking to your stylesheet[/quote]
Sorry forgot to mention:
<link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text/css" href = "Styles.css" />


Lots of CSS Problems

2nd October 2006

I am designing a website at the moment. I started leaning CSS yesterday by playing around with the commands and made a stylesheet. Got a few problems though:
I want the page size to be fixed so I put this bit in:
max-width: 1024*snip*


Double Posts

2nd October 2006

I put a homing missile demo in the articles section and double posted it by accident. I cant seem to to find a delete button anywhere :(


Homing Missiles

2nd October 2006

A homing missile demo I wrote in Blitz Basic


Testers wanted! - Tile Up

25th September 2006

Oh yeah the bottom button that hasent got a name on it goes back to the main editor. Erm yeah, i'll put a name on it saying what it does.
There are still a few things unfinished in the terrain generator, and I'm probabluy going to leave that to last. The*snip*


Testers wanted! - Tile Up

25th September 2006

Hey guys I could do with some beta testers for a tile editor i\\'m making. I stuck it in a showcase here. I have tried to make it as easy as possible to configure tilesets to use.
If anyone has any tilesets they have made you just need to drop it in the '*snip*

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