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Memories & Nostalgia

17th April 2013

Mr. X was my favourite user on BC :)


Professor Oak, Honest!!

14th April 2013

Isn't this the university's fault as much as BBC? I mean, if the guy could pose as a professor...
Either way, this is actually quite shocking. Normally I'd have said "sod it, they wouldn't have been hurt or incarcerated anyway", but seeing that Kim Jong U*snip*


RIP : Margaret Thatcher

11th April 2013

[quote]if Mr Afr0 walked into my local, id still buy him a pint! [/quote]
I may take you up on that offer some day! ;)


RIP : Margaret Thatcher

11th April 2013

[quote]Because most of it is badly run, they waste loads, and quite literally, not worth the grief.[/quote]
Why do you care?
[quote]This goes on everywhere in the council, saw it, heard it and can only dislike it for what it is.. A big fat waste of good *snip*


Mog's Meerkat

11th April 2013

Still, the lower part of the legs below the knees should go further back, and their paws are really long, and when they stretch out fully, their paws are raised. Below is a good example:


RIP : Margaret Thatcher

10th April 2013

[quote] inflated pension compared to a normal state pension[/quote]
[quote]where as, currently, public sector workers can retire when they are 55![/quote]
This is how it should be for everyone! Instead of being envious of the public sector, workers in th*snip*


RIP : Margaret Thatcher

10th April 2013

[quote]you get pension when you retire,[/quote]
Why'd you say then, that the private sector have to save money for retirement?
[quote]access to a tribunal when you have a grievance against your employer[/quote]
Strikes are a much more effective tool.


RIP : Margaret Thatcher

10th April 2013

[quote]On top of that, why do fuel drivers need to strike when cabin crew get their perks cut? Why?[/quote]
I don't know if there's an English word for it, but in Norway we call this "sympathy-striking". Name is pretty self-explanatory, really. Basically,*snip*


RIP : Margaret Thatcher

10th April 2013

[quote]I dislike how sodding baggage handlers and air stewardess have the power to cripple my holiday by striking because someone in another industry doesnt appreciate the 1% pay rise on their already 30 grand a year for just mostly sitting on their arse p*snip*


RIP : Margaret Thatcher

8th April 2013

Wonder how the remaining family must be feeling, knowing that fact... it'll be interesting to see if she'll get a state funeral.


RIP : Margaret Thatcher

8th April 2013

If I had a flagpole, I would have celebrated by raising my communist flag!


RIP : Margaret Thatcher

8th April 2013

Wooohooo! :D
I'm eating cake right now, what a pleasant coincidence!


North Korea?

8th April 2013

What's interesting about this situation is that, like I said, the US budget doesn't allow for another war.
And North Korea... let's face it, they can't wage a war with the US. Not realistically, anyway. So it's really down to nukes.


Mog's Meerkat

8th April 2013

See above picture...



7th April 2013

[quote]I've seen professional code and honestly, it looks like shit - but really, it's not meant to be seen, so who cares.[/quote]
What kind of code was this? Who worked on it? How many worked on it?
If it looked like shit, they didn't do their job. Obvi*snip*


Mog's Meerkat

7th April 2013

Glad to see my art isn't the only art taking a beating from the resident art-critics.
I'd say the ears need to be slightly pointier and the legs man, the legs...


North Korea?

6th April 2013

Thing is, the US can't afford to fight another war right now. Not without borrowing a craptonne of extra money from China, and China are allies with North Korea.
If the US is going to do anything about North Korea, they'd have to launch a missile and take*snip*


Meccano Bridge

6th April 2013

This bridge sucks, it isn't *real* Meccano!


ENIGMA Development Environment.

6th April 2013

Hey, this is pretty cool!
Doesn't seem to have any networking features, but if you can compile C++ code... :D


I need help with DIY

5th April 2013

I'd saw off the plastic drawers so they'd fit, and glue em back together!


Gift Ideas

4th April 2013

Wtf, they sell vintage chocolate? Doesn't it go stale?


Gift Ideas

4th April 2013

Is he the geeky type?
Then this might be something for him.
Is he perhaps more elegant?
What about James Bond?
Or does he prefer to fly (I can recommend these!)?
Maybe he likes the ocean?


Suddenly, An Idea Attacks..

4th April 2013

I agree, having a proper tool helps tremendously! I use Adobe Photoshop CS3, and though I haven't used it for gamey stuff for ages, I use it to create artwork.
You can get cheap copies of Photoshop on eBay (same thing goes for Paintshop Pro, I would imagi*snip*


SQLite Database

1st April 2013

I only ever worked with SQLite in memory, that's probably why.


SQLite Database

31st March 2013

SQL files are databases...

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