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SQLite Database

30th March 2013

[quote]The databases are kept as a series of database files. It's not stored as an SQL file[/quote]
What, what? You designed your own format for use with SQLite?


SQLite Database

30th March 2013

You're going with SQLite as the... main format for most of the stuff your engine loads? Care to explain? o.O
Are you going to store all your data uncompressed and then use *.sqls to map them? Or are you going to load stuff into a SQLite DB in memory? That*snip*


Matt Smith's Makeover/under

30th March 2013

What has he done to his teeth? o.O


Who Hype

24th March 2013

Ugh, I can take Dr. Who, but spare me from Red Dwarf!


Making Easter Eggs

23rd March 2013



DuckTales : Remastered

22nd March 2013

Damnit, I hope this gets released for PC!


Hmm.. What to tackle next?

22nd March 2013

If AGameAWeek is as labour intensive as you claim, then I'm just having a hard time understanding your priorities.
Though ironically I suppose we're in the same business, seeing as I'm also remaking a game from my "youth".
With slight modifications, obvi*snip*


Hmm.. What to tackle next?

22nd March 2013

[quote=Jayenkai]Being lazy kicks ass!![/quote]
[quote=Jayenkai]Yeah, that's pure laziness on my part
Part of the issue is that you need to edit a completely different file to change the titlebar, now. It's no longer a quick "AppTitle = " command.
.. t*snip*


Hmm.. What to tackle next?

22nd March 2013

[quote]I am the creator of AGameAWeek, and every week I release a brand new game![/quote]
I think this is part of the problem, rather than the solution.
Last year I had a brain tumour, and spent most of the year thinking instead of coding.[/quot*snip*


Monkey Says No!

20th March 2013

[quote]At any rate, using languages with mediocre support is likely to get you mediocre error messages, so that's nothing new. [/quote]
Quoted for truth!


Hmm.. What to tackle next?

20th March 2013

Don't go ahead with a project just cos it's quick to finish!
Do it cos it's a project you want to do! Same with graphics - don't make them blocky cos it takes less time!
Don't avoid network code because it's "difficult"! If you can get a wordlist working*snip*


Cower's Topic Thoughts

15th March 2013

No need, I already made one!


Happy Birthday Joe

13th March 2013



Opensource MMO

11th March 2013



Drunk Mode

10th March 2013

Actually, this makes me realize that SpikeDislike and SpikeDislike 2 are discriminating against blind people! There should be a blind option you can select where a voiceover says "There's a spike approaching".


Afr0s Magazine

8th March 2013

Thanks :)


Afr0s Magazine

8th March 2013

The surfing artist
Tone Aaness (39) believes that art is like a wave, and that she'd lose her footing if she were to just be surfing the wave.
It is this fear of losing ground contact which is one of the main reasons for her position as sixty percent Nor*snip*


Afr0s Magazine

8th March 2013

As promised, here is my article in the new magazine!
It's about a local artist! If anyone's actually interested in reading the text, I can translate it (it was somewhat shortened for the magazine, but I got two full pages so I'm very pleased)


IGN Likes SpikeDislike

7th March 2013

I think if you didn't *intentionally* try to aim for a retro look, you might score higher on graphics...


Hey, Phoenix here

4th March 2013

I think you should get back into the programming business, preferably into the MMO business. That's where all the money is these days. If you make it playable on Windows, Mac and Lunix, even better!


asyncronous chat in java.....concurrency....

3rd March 2013

[quote]That's avoided by getting the array once and shoving it into a variable, and then iterating over the variable. [/quote]
Which is still problematic though, because, as you say, the array could have changed halfway through, so in the best possible si*snip*


asyncronous chat in java.....concurrency....

3rd March 2013

[quote]and if a player were to log out in the middle of the for loop's execution, the iteration might get messed up. [/quote]
That's why I said: loop through it in a regular fashion, I.E:
[code]for i = 0; i < getServer().getOnlinePlayers().Length; i++[/c*snip*


asyncronous chat in java.....concurrency....

3rd March 2013

The only thing I notice when looking a second time at your code, ia that you're doing:
[code] for (Player player : onlinePlayers){
if ((player != null) && (player.hasPermission("OasisChat.staff"))){
player.sendMessage(prefix + event.getMes*snip*


asyncronous chat in java.....concurrency....

2nd March 2013

I know what you mean.
But ultimately, if you can't get your answer(s) from others (for whatever reason), you need to do your own research.
I'll bet at least 1/4 of my time working on Project Dollhouse has been spent on research.



2nd March 2013

Morrowind - Opensource!

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