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Socoder -> Festive Threads -> Advent Calendars 2014

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Tue, 02 Dec 2014, 16:17
OtakuPunk's gathered 24 shot/minatures of booze, and is testing one a day!!

Day One
Day Two

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Wed, 03 Dec 2014, 01:46
Those aren't cauliflowers... Those are fresh, ripe snowballs!!

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Wed, 03 Dec 2014, 01:49
Badger. Badger. Badger. SNAKE!!!

View on YouTube
Wed, 03 Dec 2014, 02:29
Christmas is coming, and all through the City.
The children are making the streets look so pretty.

> Reveal 🔎

Whilst off in a galaxy, far far away.
Something more sinister's coming to play...

> Reveal 🔎

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Wed, 03 Dec 2014, 02:48

Destructive Detonation

Blow up the dots, in the best Chain Reaction that you can.

Move around, hit fire!

This was the first game I made where I realised that .. perhaps it might've been better to add levels into some of these games.
Making this into something more like BoxSplodings, with lots of levels to complete, would've been better.
Unfortunately, having selectable levels would've meant having a proper titlescreen for each of the games, and I hadn't implimented that into the menu system.
Aw well.. Live and Learn!

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Wed, 03 Dec 2014, 08:12
Ho Ho Ho!

My Advent calendar has finally still not arrived. I can post pictures of it not arriving later. Boy, are you in for a treat!

BTW Is there an animal slower than a snail? My package is being carried by one of them, whatever it is.
Wed, 03 Dec 2014, 11:13
Let's all hope nothing happens to you. OK.
Thu, 04 Dec 2014, 00:55
Thu, 04 Dec 2014, 01:30
It's beginning to look a lot like... a forest.
Thu, 04 Dec 2014, 02:02

Lego City has you covered!

> Reveal 🔎

Meanwhile, far far away..

> Reveal 🔎

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Thu, 04 Dec 2014, 02:08

Exciting Encounter

Destroy as many of the enemy planes that you can.

Up, Down, Fire..

This game was fairly bland and uninteresting for quite a while.
In many ways, it's a generic "move to dodge" game, and there's not much point in fighting back.
Adding the "fuel" thing switched this from a generic "SpikeDislike" thing, into a more shooty game.
... Powerups! They're handy things!!

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Fri, 05 Dec 2014, 05:52
More food in the city, today.

> Reveal 🔎

Meanwhile, far far away...
> Reveal 🔎

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Fri, 05 Dec 2014, 06:00

Flapping Fing

<a href="https://agameaweek.com/AlphaCollexion/400_F.png">
Flap and Collect

Push Button to Flap!

A Flappy-Clone at F seemed almost inevitable.
I made it more of a collect-a-thon, and added that annoying "Looks collectable, but.. NO!!! It kills you!!" in a vague attempt to spice it up a bit.
It's fairly generic, though.
Nothing much to see, here.

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Fri, 05 Dec 2014, 06:07
Literally as I just opened up my Amazon account to write a complaint about my Advent calendar not arriving, but Mr Postie made a second delivery this pm of none other than my Advent calendar. Yay!!!!! Now, if I'd tried to complain sooner, would that mean my calendar would have arrived sooner? Might have to try another day... Anyway, onto the "good stuff" and by "good stuff" I mean the opposite.

Well, first things, first my set is different to the one pictured above, although similar.

Secondly, if you've seen the Ashen's vids so far, it does seem to be from the same set, so that's a shame. But hey ho...

Thirdly, the "Santa" inset now does have something different, and not the strange man from the earlier box art - what there now is even stanger ... :/

First three days bits

make this - with a spare bit...

Day 4 is
> Reveal 🔎

Day 5 (today!)
> Reveal 🔎

Those last pieces are incredibly good at hide & Seek too - I had a pair, turned my back and now there's only one. Trufax. Maybe it'll get tired of hiding at some point and find it's way under my foot...
Fri, 05 Dec 2014, 06:16
Hurray!! Welcome to Club Insanity!!
Fri, 05 Dec 2014, 08:57
Seriously, I'm looking at the posted box image and the one I receieved and the differences are astounding. The box image I posted is a Mona Lisa compared to the Tracey Emin final version. The models really are so much more shit. Yay!!!

I can't wait to show the actual versions I get to the ones I expected - these are just toooooo awesome!
Sat, 06 Dec 2014, 02:25
Woot!!! Today is present day.

However, it's exactly the same bloody one that I got in last year's set. I'm all for recycling, but come on! They have infinite possibilites with multi-coloured bricks yet they give exactly the same shit two years running - lamp-posts and now presents. I look forward to next year's present and lamp-post extravaganza...

The "present" from the other day (which works better as an open fire) was utter wank, so this is an improvement I suppose.

Anyway, let's look at the positives - tomorrow I might get another deformed reindeer part or a wonky/wanky Santa or even a bit of a tree. That'll be good
Sat, 06 Dec 2014, 03:00
Festive time in the City..
> Reveal 🔎

Meanwhile, far far away.. (Unless you notice that the two worlds are right next to each other..)

> Reveal 🔎

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Sat, 06 Dec 2014, 03:09

Gone Golfin'

Hit the ball towards the hole!

Left and Right to turn around. Fire to hit.

Platdude Goes Golfing was a great little game that I made a few years ago, using the website PlayMyCode.com
Since then, although I keep trying to remake it, it never quite comes out as well as the original.
This time, I stripped it back to it's basics, and it's actually turned out much better than I thought it would.
Given more time, I'd've liked to have added more obstacles into the mix, as the game goes on, but .. meh, time!

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Sat, 06 Dec 2014, 08:43
Yay! Very Festive. I'd never have believed it was Santa hiding in that clear pastic bag!
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