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4th February 2013



Mog's FPS Progress

4th February 2013

I can tell you right now, bones are a pain in the ass. I've been trying to resolve the bone structure in TSO skeletons for half a year without success.
I think the reason I'm not getting it right though is cos they were made for a left-handed coordinate s*snip*


Which is better?

3rd February 2013

[quote]but Justin Bieber has some serious talent[/quote]
Ever heard of autotune?


Happy Birthday Afr0

3rd February 2013

Thanks guys :)


Happy Birthday Afr0

3rd February 2013

I was also congratulated by the graphicsprogrammer of The Sims on FB. Quite an honor!


Mog's FPS Progress

3rd February 2013

Is there any way to reduce texture stretching on those rocks? You could try using multiple textures, but then you'd have to seamlessly blend them. Maybe you could scale up the texture used.


Happy Birthday Afr0

3rd February 2013

Actually, I don't have Vodka. But I'm going to have a glass of Wine before going out with some friends later.
My grandmother sent cake! :D


Happy Birthday Afr0

3rd February 2013

Thanks :D


Which is better?

3rd February 2013

This is better:
I know Jay ain't a fan of youtube vids on the forums, but this question deserved one. Especially since it's my birthday.


Damn you sire, I will run you through!

2nd February 2013

There should probably be some limits on the type of weaponry allowed though. By the original rules, I could demand that we attack each other with atom bombs if a glove was thrown at me, and then both parties would be obliged by honour to either build or ob*snip*


Damn you sire, I will run you through!

2nd February 2013

That's ludicrous!
That's saying "yeah, we don't mind dueling so long as it happens in hand to hand combat"! >_<


Damn you sire, I will run you through!

2nd February 2013

(I realize that video can be faked, but it is relatively hard, unless one party is forced.)
I believe a video + a witness (which there would be anyway, due to the rules of duelling) should be sufficient.


Damn you sire, I will run you through!

2nd February 2013

Sooooooo... I would expect that any competition where people take a pop at each other are seen to be authorised by the participants (eg boxing, wrestling) and so the police probably wouldn't be involved and certainly wouldn't take it to court. How*snip*


Damn you sire, I will run you through!

2nd February 2013

I just watched Man Lab with James May on YouTube. Does anyone know if duelling is still permitted in the UK?
I believe they have pesky regulations here (Norway) that forbids settling disputes by agreed-upon violence, but I should hope that is not the case*snip*



1st February 2013

If you've never been into gamedev, you should try it!
It is probably one of the most (if not the most) demanding and challenging types of programming there is.
This site is untypical in that respect, as most of us use languages and/or APIs designed to ma*snip*


Dev on Pi - Success

30th January 2013

[quote]Aaah, you're coding exactly like me!!
Google is a lazy coder's best friend! If I didn't have that, I might actually have to RTFM for a change.[/quote]
I use Google all the time, and I don't code half as bad as you. And unless you're referring to u*snip*


Learning With Monkey

29th January 2013

Wtf do you need that many words for? Not even all the text in TSO comprises that many words!


Pet Health

28th January 2013

Can't you use your heart rate app on Molly??


Learning With Monkey

27th January 2013

This is standard. Everyone knows this. Even BlitzMax behaves this way. Release is faster than debug.


PMC Forks

27th January 2013

Heh, you can fork other people's code, but hide it?
Sounds like a feature bug to me.
Is all code on PMC subject to the same license, or can you apply your own?
Not that it would matter, except for cases like these, since the code can't be used anywhere *snip*


SoPolitical : European Union

25th January 2013

My position is that I'm glad that Norway is only part of the EEC, but I wish we weren't even part of that.
Through it, EU keeps passing a bunch of laws that makes life miserable for workers and people in general here.
All in all, EU to me seems like a re*snip*


SoPolitical : European Union

25th January 2013

Are you for or against?
Why, why not?


Into The Unknown

25th January 2013

Disney could have chosen Ben Affleck, and they chose J.J?
What a bunch of trolls :(


Bye again, Atari!

23rd January 2013

Yes. It is out of date, unless it's Dwarf Fortress.
Heck, some day soon I'm sure they'll come around to 3D as well!


What Have You Done : 23rd January 2013

23rd January 2013

What did you get done this week?
[*]Fixed Monogame-related bugs.
[*]Fixed Monogame-related bugs.
[*]Fixed Monogame-related bugs.
Did everything turn out as planned?
No. Monogame keeps throwing a new exception in my face for every crash that I avo*snip*

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