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#115 - The One Challenge

30th August 2007

here we are, nice, simple, and will annoy you. press the spacebar to let go of the ball. dont hit the wall.
AppTitle "3.1415926535897932384" ;Pure memory,not to exciting but, meh.
Graphics 800,600,16,2
AutoMidHandle True
ball = CreateImage(30,3*snip*


#115 - The One Challenge

28th August 2007

I have already started my entry for this week. it will be nice, simple, and annoying.


'Resolutions' compo

26th August 2007

hum, i dont know what i could make but im sure i could come up with some simplistic idea.


That time of year again

23rd August 2007

I just started school today, which makes all my grades A's. WooHoo! and i must say you did well, except for the D in french, shame, much shame.


A new devcrunch...

20th August 2007

i was actually thinking the exact same thing shroom!


A new devcrunch...

19th August 2007

i dont know why, but i just looked at the devcrunh home page and it appears that it isnt completely forgotten. I dont know why anyone really cares, but i just thought i would mention it. Linky


#113 - The Vegetable Challenge

14th August 2007

well, just trying to come up with something cleaver. A play on words. but i guess i wont do that...


#113 - The Vegetable Challenge

14th August 2007

would it be politically incorrect of me to make a game about a person in a vegetated state?


The 2007 '3/4 of the year' Survey

14th August 2007

1. Which of the sites features do you use most often?
The forum. I use to use the mudchat alot, but not so much now.
2. Which of the sites features do you think should be improved?
The mudchat, its all broken. I think at least, havnt been on there in a *snip*


Phoenix Birthday

13th August 2007

Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111oneoneone


Hey everyone!

11th August 2007



FPS examples?

11th August 2007

i never said it was going to look much better, but if you noticed, the bullet is now created at the barrel of the gun instead of off to the side when you strafe. or at least it is for me, mabey i did something else that i just dont remember.


FPS examples?

10th August 2007

ok, 1)I dont really see that problem happening. 2)put the "if mousehitblahblahbalh shoot()" before the player movement in the check keys function. 3)that happens because the bullet is moving towards the center but since it dosnt start out in the center it *snip*


FPS examples?

7th August 2007

hey Erebel, thats coming along nice, and i think i found your problem with the jumping over bunkers when you look up. your moving the camera and not the player. the camera is a child of the player so you shouldn't be moving the child but the player itsself*snip*


#111 - The Gravity Challenge

6th August 2007

sadly not going to be able to enter this one, i worked with 4 different ideas and didnt like any of them enough to finish until the 4th and thought it had such potential i would just make it in to a bigger game than just a WW entry.(plus it would take a he*snip*


FPS examples?

6th August 2007

any chance we can see your code and try to fix it?
also heres something i wrote up real quick, it may help.
Graphics3D 800,600,16,2
light = CreateLight()
RotateEntity light,90,0,0
user = CreatePivot()
camera = CreateCamera(user) *snip*



2nd August 2007

I got an e-mail today about me making games in Singapore... I wonder what site i signed up for that would give my e-mail to these people. hmm.
Hi Chris,

Hope all is well with you.

I'm wondering if there's a chance that you're available for contra*snip*


#111 - The Gravity Challenge

31st July 2007

well, i have to enter this one, theres just no way around it.



29th July 2007

A game with blocks...


Your Desktop(s)

25th July 2007

heres my Ubuntu, very simple! not even a custom background, but it looks cool so who cares!


UK, Flooding, and Shroomites...

24th July 2007

i have been wondering were all the shroomys went. that could be just it. but hopefully that isn't the case! and my heart as well goes out to those in the UK and all over the world who are being effected by crap weather!



21st July 2007



Hey Peeps !... Eyeball this.

21st July 2007

thats almost as cool as monkeys making spears to hunt!


Hey Peeps !... Eyeball this.

20th July 2007

HA! thats great.


#109 - The GUI Challenge

18th July 2007

yeah, i know its suppose to be a game but an app would be easier.

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