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Spore: Did you see this coming?

9th September 2008

LOL at the discussion on amazon.com. A lot of people kicking up a fuss -- but the only way it will change in the industry is if people stop buying DRM'd games.
Incidentally, have you seen amazon.co.uk? They are deleting the reviews as they come.


Spore: Did you see this coming?

9th September 2008

The concept is amazing, but the game is shallow and falls way short of my expectations. In hindsight, maybe I was unrealistic but the hype was incredible. DRM is a major turn-off - it is annoying to be 'rewarded' for purchasing games legitimately with such*snip*


Board game GUI display help

6th September 2008

You could make it look like the actual board and pieces.
And by the way, is this the monopoly game with eight streets?


Google Browser!

4th September 2008

Nobody else put off by the terrible EULA? All your work (that Chrome touches) are belong to Google!
[edit]I hear they have made it a bit less evil ;)[/edit]


Anything new for Socoder?

3rd September 2008

Jayenkai's market leading forum software > phpBB



29th August 2008

Um, you did what? The joke is just a pun from a sweet wrapper. In French.
Enchanté = Nice to meet you
Enchanteur = Wizard


Keep an eye on your iPod !.

23rd August 2008

I'll stick to my Rockboxed, SSD-modded, Cowon X5 :P


Help drawing

20th July 2008

Actually, some of the other articles on that site are useful. Thanks.


Help drawing

19th July 2008

Does anyone have links to any good tutorials or guides on how to draw figures (people) and things generally?


Blitz types....

13th July 2008

As an aside, and for our snakey friends, Handle and Object are ItemInList and IndexedItem respectively.


Firefox 3.0

12th July 2008

Yes, and no. It is possible to make a simple browser in blitz, in fact there are several already. However page rendering is very complex, even before you start on javascript etc. so a complete browser "like firefox" would be very difficult.


Too my friends on socoder...

11th July 2008

Heartfelt condolences. :(



8th July 2008

[quote=another]On which planet would you find the most bananas?
The Planet of the Apes![/quote]
[quote=eh?]Which coach is delicious when cut into small pieces?
Metal rod Bus![/quote]
[quote=a pun]What must pigs show when entering a pigsty?
A pass-pork*snip*



8th July 2008

[quote=a joke]Merlin meets Arthur for the first time. Arthur looks at the old man and says; "Nice to meet you!"
Merlin replies; "No, Wizard!"[/quote]
(Enchanté / Enchanteur)


For you tech guys..

5th July 2008

"You can't arrange them by penis."


This sucks....

4th July 2008

Hmm. Be careful not to generalise. My sister's favourite game is Age Of Empires 2; she bought her own copy to play online. True, she's not a big FPS fan, but she did really like Portal.


What makes a LCD screen flicker?

30th June 2008

[quote=JL235]It might also be just cos the refresh rate is too low. People can notice flickering on 60hz monitors when they get used to them and especially if they use monitors with a higher refresh rate. Try raising it.[/quote]
This used to be a problem *snip*


What makes a LCD screen flicker?

30th June 2008

Sounds like you are out of Phase.
Do you see lines or patterns moving up/down the screen on a grey area, and flickering on a checkered area?
Use your monitors' calibration to fix it, under "image settings" or similar. On mine this is a little [~] sine wa*snip*



29th June 2008

A small GUI toolkit for Cobra


What do you call this?

8th June 2008

Here for a complete list
Awesome GUI there Hoboben!


Cuccos Tools

18th May 2008

Webserver, database and crawler for IK tools site.


Nested Types Example

23rd April 2008

How to make types-within-types in Cobra -- this took me a while to figure out. Hopefully self explanatory if you are familiar with how the types work, with lists and pointers.

type foo = record
value : integer

type bar *snip*


Vertical bar effect

20th April 2008

In cobra, you must set the target image in each command. I had to guess where the blitz SetBuffer ImageBuffer() commands were. Check the img and bar arguments added to the Rect() and DrawImage() commands.
Colour is set in the command too. Check ToRGBA() a*snip*


Vertical bar effect

20th April 2008

Its not showing *anything* because you are drawing everything in black. Not sure what it is *supposed* to look like. Lets look at the first bit
[code] bar = CreateImage( 16, 16 )
For a = 0 To 7



TCP server - get client IP?

10th December 2007

I hope this helps
[code]server = CreateTCPServer( 80 )
stream = AcceptTCPStream( server )
If stream
ip = TCPStreamIP( stream )

WriteLine stream, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"
WriteLine stream, "Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8"

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