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9th August 2007

Heres a fire effect I converted from C. I did a whole load of tweaking to get the frame rate up, but it runs at quite a good speed now.
[code]Const GRAPHICS_WIDTH = 640
Const DRAW_FROM = 300 ;set to a point where fire is not*snip*


Saving Alpha Information To An Image

8th August 2007

Nice one, cheers dude :)


Good free webhosting

8th August 2007

I found sitesled quite good until they deleted my account for not having an index page.


Saving Alpha Information To An Image

8th August 2007

@ Diablo: Yeah, I noticed that in the help file. I might have a play around with creating texture and see if that works.
@Jay: I hadent really thought about that yet. Its just something I was playing around with for fun.


Saving Alpha Information To An Image

8th August 2007

Umm, yeah that kind of sucks dosent it :/ Oh well I guess I code recode it in C using SDL.


#112 - The ASC.II Challenge

8th August 2007

The some of the entries for the old ASCII challenge were very cool :)


Saving Alpha Information To An Image

8th August 2007

I made some code to create a bumpmap of an image which works. I have a problem trying to save it to the high 8 bits of the image tho. As far as I can tell my code seems as if it should work. Is this not possible or something, or am I doing something wrong *snip*


A-Star Pathfinding

6th August 2007

Heres some AI code for pathfinding. If you want to know a bit more about it, heres the tutorial i worked off to create this. Its a pretty good explanation.
[code]Graphics 640, 480, 32, 2
Global font = LoadFont(arial, 10)
SetFont font


Console Chess

8th June 2007

That sounds like a good idea, I'll see if I can set it up like that. I just had to re-write a lot of the program because I had the players lurking in between the board and pieces, which was causing all kinds of problems. I guess once I get the hang of how *snip*


Play Station!

7th June 2007

I bet Nintendo are gutted about it now.


Console Chess

7th June 2007

I have been trying to practice C++ a bit. I have to say I don't like it very much so far. With all that extra code its like a big turn that wont flush. Then again its probably just that I suck at OOP. Anyway heres my latest creation, its a console chess ga*snip*


Hello Everyone

7th June 2007

Hey Hotshot. Nice to see you again :D


QOTD - Your next language?

7th June 2007

I had a look at swing before and it looks good. I plan on having a play around with it. But I have to get around to starting Java first.


circle collision detection?

1st June 2007

if you get the distance from the centre of the circle then you can check for collisions by looking if anything is inside its radius. Heres a get distance function (sorry its in C, but the maths is the same)
[code]float GetDistance(int xa, int ya, int xb, *snip*


Fleet! .. Now with LUA!

18th May 2007

Sounds cool :)


#100 - The 100 Challenge

17th May 2007

Tonights an all nighter for me. I got a database to make by 12 tomorrow :(


QOTD - The end of games physical reality?

17th May 2007

I miss the big manuals. I agree that for action games they arent really necessary, but for games like strategy games or RPGs manuals can be quite important. Nowadays companies tend to whack em in a PDF which kind of irritates me as unless you have 2 monito*snip*


slitting a number into parts?

12th May 2007

Oh yeah. Dividing and Modding it should be easier.


slitting a number into parts?

12th May 2007

You could convert it to a string. Then run through each character. If you want the numbers in an integer array or something copy the characters to the array and subtract 48 from the ascii value.
Theres probably an easier way, but from what I know thats h*snip*


Hi socoders (=

6th May 2007

Hi :D


The affect of achohol on RGB values

6th May 2007

Don't worry B3Dman, I don't think any of us is going to try and sell them ;)


The affect of achohol on RGB values

4th May 2007

Nice one ;)


Hello There Coders

4th May 2007

hi :)


#098 - The Heavy Metal Challenge

1st May 2007

[quote]I refuse to believe that was a serious WW entry![/quote]
Remember these? :P


Dictionary words in a text file

1st May 2007

Hey thanks for that diablo, its just what I was after :)

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