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28th October 2013

Yeah, but if you don't make a forum for it on there, someone else probably will.
Maybe you don't care one way or the other, but that is essentially THE ouya forum - official one be damned.


Can the monkey Raspberry Pi?

28th October 2013

Or you could try MonkeyMax, which spits the Monkey code out as BlitzMax code, then you can compile in BlitzMax for Linux.
not sure if that counts...?


Can the Monkey OUYA?

22nd October 2013

The only hard fix would be better antenna components, and they've thus far shown no interest in making any changes there.
Input lag seems to result from multiple sources (so, if you have 4 controllers going, you get lag. if you have one controller and oth*snip*


Kick The Kickers

19th October 2013

Kickstarter is, according to its own rules, fine with being used for promotion. :/


Can the Monkey OUYA?

16th October 2013

Jay, doesn't your framework already auto-scale everything for different phone sizes and flipping them and whatnot?
Why not just throw in a manually resizeable viewport?
Anyone who can't see the edge can just move the edge, and overscan issues are self-so*snip*


Scrolling message DontFlipOut on OUYA

13th October 2013

Ah, I'd wondered why the thread was called scrolling message


Jay's Button Test

11th October 2013

Isn't a MOGA in HID actually a keyboard?


Valve's "3 Reveal"

27th September 2013

True enough. They still don't have the hardware together, necessarily. They are sending out beta versions for testing. You could be a tester! There's a thing on Steam to sign up. Don't get your hopes up, though - when I signed up there were 78,000 people q*snip*


Valve's "3 Reveal"

26th September 2013

Valve have always said that they would offer a couple of tiers of box themselves, which would serve as a standard, but that anyone could build anything they wanted.
Only thing that's changed is the name.



25th September 2013

I also find the Chrome UI to be useless.
But the add-on Speed Dial 2 is just the kind of browser UI I've always wanted. YMMV.


OUYA App Discovery

22nd September 2013

It's also possible to manually bury titles you don't want to see any more, which could also contribute.


OUYA App Discovery

21st September 2013

Perhaps they have organized their Discover panes a bit and just...discovered it!


Cross Compilation

21st September 2013

...though you still can't get your app on iPpleStore unless you compile it with a Mac. Not entirely sure how they know, but they have a system.


OUYA - My Views.

10th September 2013

The biggest problem with the OUYA, aside from it being the "XBox Live Indie Games" of the outside world - assuming you don't like that sort of thing (which since you complained about the content I assume you don't), is the lack of storage space.
Nobody wa*snip*


[OUYA] Don't Flip Out!

6th September 2013

As an OUYA owner since release, I can tell you it is actually EASIER to find new games in the sandbox.
Once they leave the sandbox, they may or may not show up in any of the other listings. Plenty of titles which I've had to use the search function for be*snip*


GMail Tabs

5th September 2013

Yes, I found them quite useless and annoying, myself. I turned them off. IIRC the option is got at by right clicking the tabs themselves.


British Humour

4th September 2013

I'm not qualified to say, as my time spent on the Intarwebz has been spent chiefly among Britons for the past 15+ years.


How to play a casino game online?

3rd September 2013

In United States of America the, casino game online money give and take is illegal federal. Please to be other country in when play attempt.



29th August 2013

stupid freedom. so bloody annoying. :)



28th August 2013

JaguaR's controller was stiff and unresponsive, and the Jag had a paltry selection of mediocre to bad ports of games that were available everywhere else, and some utter crap to call its own.
And Tempest 2000.
I was a big Jaguar booster back in the day. I*snip*



26th August 2013

If I turn on any blur I get your menu items re-offset halfway across the screen and a weird yellowish tint to the upper-left quadrant. More blur makes the offset duplicates and the yellow tint more opaque.
IIRC one of your older titles had this problem an*snip*


Spinal's Little Sprites

24th August 2013

Puzzling over what use an animated picture frame would be...decided you must need things like hearts and diamonds and sparklies and rainbows...or am I on the wrong tack?


Bye Bye Ballmer

23rd August 2013

X360 was successful until that @#$%stain who left for Zynga after the initial XBone debacle took over the department.
In his short tenure he made me go from loving my X360 to hating everything to do with XBox.
Also, Ballmer's a coprophagic spastic who t*snip*


The Extreme Topic of Indefinability

18th August 2013

...and here I was hoping it was a place where you could pay in Friend Codes.



14th August 2013

Oh, yeah. I forgot you can set it all to charity. I was going to give it a miss because fuck EA. But I would like to "move" Burnout and Mirror's Edge from my X360 collection to my PC collection.

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