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Socoder -> Film + TV -> some rare movies.....

Thu, 16 Nov 2006, 13:52
power mousey
here are some rare movies that I like to watch again:

Captain Mephisto and the Transformation Machine

a archeologist uncovers a weird machine on a dig in a remote island. Unbeknowst to him and his whole team...it contains the cursed spirit and life force of an evil 17th century pirate called Captain Mephisto. First shown in the matinee theaters as a cliffhanger series in the late forties.

Snow White and the Space Queen(or its the best guess name to my knowledge )

this was a low budge turkey movie where Snow White was adapted to a science fiction type movie mixed in with the usual fantasy story elements. The Queen was actually an evil alien shapeshifter and her castle was a huge spaceship.
The seven dwarves were actually alien bounty hunters.

Castle of Evil

this movie starred both Hugh Marlowe and Scott Brady.
Some elite and rich guests are invited to a Carribean Island for a reading of a will of the deceased and dead scientist...who was a wealthy millionaire and turns out to be a mad scientist. Unknown to the guests he was experimenting with robotics.

another one that I like to see but vaguely remember is about two kids...a boy and a girl...who hang out at the beach and explore some caves.They are dressed up and act like pirates. They uncover a bottle and open it. A genie pops open, introduces himself and asks them if they want to go on an amazing adventure. They do and all are transported back in time to the 'pirate days'

there are a whole host of other movies that I like or even want to see again...including:

The Purple Monster Strikes!, Dr Cyclops, the Phantasm movie series, 5000 Fingers of Dr T, Equinox, 5 Million Years to Earth, The Invisible Boy, and also a short and limited tv series from the sixties that was both a pre-Scooby Doo and pre Ghostbusters too.
They were paranormal investigators and detectives too. There was a university professor, a blond hair husky type of guy who was the quarterback of the football team, his girl friend, a nerdy and brainy girl with glasses and who was into science and computers, and...and a hippie who was into acid rock and esoteric knowledge and who happened to have a van and a german sheperd dog! wow!! I'm not kidding! serious.

power mousey

Thu, 16 Nov 2006, 17:06
5000 Fingers of Dr T

I just watched that again the other day. I love it - it's really strange! (At least I think that was the title)

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Fri, 17 Nov 2006, 05:12
power mousey

yes Hoboben, it was strange.

some more strange but cool ones that I liked as well:

the Seventh Voyage of Sinbad...."from the land beyond, beyond..."

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge

Heavy Metal

Logans Run....the tv series was actually better.

Colossus: the Forbin Project. I also read all the books too.

power mousey