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Socoder -> Film + TV -> Recommend a DVD Ripper!

Sun, 15 Aug 2010, 08:59
If you were in my room, right now, all you'd hear is two things.
1. Me yelling "SHUT UP!!! SHUT UP!!! SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!"
2. The DVD drive sounding like a freakin' Jet Engine.

: Download

It's been ticking me off for ages, and I really can't be arsed anymore.

I wanna watch my Stargate DVDs in peace, but want the Commentaries intact.
I can shove a disc in, have it rip whilst I'm at work, and watch it in peace when I get home..

Anyone want to make any recommendations? Never attempted DVD rips before..

''Load, Next List!''
Sun, 15 Aug 2010, 10:17
You could just extract the disk image (.iso) and mount it as a normal DVD from the file system. This is simple with Linux (any of the dvd copying software should do it) but probably a pain with windows unless you have the (probably non-free) software to do it.

blog | work | code | more code
Sun, 15 Aug 2010, 10:32
Always with the 'go with linux, windows r pain' response... Seriously people, windows isn't that painful when finding things like this!

Try https://www.imgburn.com/ -- it's what i use. It's on windows, it works and its free - just do that then use Daemon tools to mount it and watch it normally.

I am Busy Mongoose - My Website

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Current Project: Pyroxene
Sun, 15 Aug 2010, 10:33
If you check your PMs you'll see I recommended Magic DVD Ripper a while back. But I remember picking a DVD ripper and then switching to another as the quality is really bad. Dunno if Magic DVD is the one I switched away from or too.

Hope that helps!
Sun, 15 Aug 2010, 10:50
Thanks Mog. I tried to do this with windows a while back and this was my experience (I even ended up compiling a short C program to extract the .iso!). I didn't realise Daemon Tools had a free option - that's nice to know. Even so, *nix and macs do make working with disk images far easier by default and I suggested it because Jay has access to both Ubuntu and a mac now. Sorry if it came across fanboy-ish.

blog | work | code | more code
Mon, 16 Aug 2010, 01:14
You could also buy a new DVD drive. They cost almost nothing now.
Mon, 16 Aug 2010, 01:58
Indeed, I got a whole big bag-o-everything sat here!
I also actually considered the fact that I could re-attach the X360, and start using that as a DVD Player. The reason I hadn't done that before is
A) Everytime I switch the smegger on, I have to wait 20 minutes for yet-another update.
B) I never switch it on, no time to play anymore.
C) I was over worried about it Red-Ringing due to me having used it as something as stupid as a DVD Drive. If it's doing to overheat, it's going to do it whilst I'm playing a 24-hour session of Burnout, not 'cos of a sodding DVD!

I'll play with my possibilities later today.
For now, there's a game to write, and I just got my Gingerbread Syrup!! (Wow, they weren't kidding about Next Day, it's not even 9am!)

|edit| Oh, and I wouldn't buy a new DVD drive.. If I had to buy a new drive, it'd be a Blue-Ray, just for the hell of it. ... But then I'm no financial position to then start spending bucketloads on all my shows all over again, so sod that! |edit|

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 16 Aug 2010, 13:27
Handbrake on Ubuntu works great. Ripping a DVD takes about 2 hours on it and you can convert it to popular formats (such as iPhing sizes).

I would buy a new DVD drive or a DVD player. They aren't pricey.

Quit posting and try Google.