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Socoder -> Film + TV -> Telly Picks

Sat, 13 Sep 2014, 05:38
Currently watching Chuck.
When Chuck first started, another series Reaper had just begun.
Both series seemed of a very similar "main character has a secret job, and must hide it from friends and family" premise, and since Reaper also included supernatural elements, that seemed to be the better choice.

Now, years later, I've opted to head back and watch Chuck, since it's currently on Netflix.
It's not a bad show, but has a bizarre knack of leaping from place to place at random. Yet at other times, there appear to be ludicrously lengthy scenes that have little or no justification. It's like someone's got the remote control, and keeps randomly hitting the FF button..

But a decent enough show.

I also tried getting into "Revolution", but so far haven't quite gotten there.

What are you guys watching, lately?
Any good hidden gems that I've yet to discover?

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Sat, 13 Sep 2014, 16:24
I watched all of "The Last Ship" recently (about to start on SKY, but available for download elsewhere) and loved it.

"Taxi Brooklyn" is also very good - kind of like Castle, but more about dependence.

"Murder In The First" was a good crime drama that went from a murder all the way through to trial. Stared Draco Malfoy from Harry Potter as a tech geek and main suspect.

"Haven" has just restarted again. Love that. Still batshit nuts though.

"Falling Skies" was shit to start with and has got increasingly worse, but still keeps me watching... Hmmm

"Castle" due to restart soon. Not soon enough!

"The Walking Dead" re-starting soon - ditto Castle comment.

"Big School" - David Walliams, Katherine Tate and Frances de la Tour at their finest. Wonderful performances from Philip Glennister too.

"Friday Night Dinner" is also great, stars Simon Bird (Will in The Inbetweeners). Just finished it's third season (only six eps per season), but very funny. If you only watch one, look for the one with the dead fox.

Loads of old things returning now too. Great
Mon, 15 Sep 2014, 11:41
Ooh, yeah. I recently watched season one of Dome on Netflix. Two's just started on some Sky channel over here, so I expect it to appear on Netflix later in the year. .. Maybe...
Is s2 as good, or did they do that annoying thing, where they run out of plot, and keep artificially extending it??!

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Mon, 15 Sep 2014, 12:26
S2 of "Under The Dome" is indeed better than the first. It's still completely nuts though. There's just two more episodes of S2 left. Very few answers to the many questions and I doubt there ever will be, but it's compulsive viewing still.

As for artificially extending it, yeah - the whole of S2 is really an extension.
Mon, 15 Sep 2014, 12:34
I hate it when a show "feels" like they're dragging it out.
Absolutely the best example of that was Smallville, where they started as "child isn't sure if he's normal", and hit "boy is Superman" by about the twentieth minute, then miraculously dragged that out for the next 10 smegging years!!
I enjoyed the show for what it was, but sometimes they really took the smeg with the "dragging it out", "reset!!" and "convenient memory wipe!!" crap..

I mean, seriously.... WAY too much!!!

Breaking Bad's fifth season is also a little .. Um.. Unplanned.. The first half kinda went on a weird tangent, and wasn't sure where it was going. By regular TV standards, that half is still head and shoulders above 95% of shows, but you could tell they were desperately trying to eek it out a little bit longer. Thankfully the second half more than made up for that.

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Mon, 15 Sep 2014, 14:46
I don't even have a TV in my room!!! Everything I've watched in the past couple of years has been through my iPad, whether that be Netflix/LoveFilm, or BBC's iPlayer, or the good old NAS Drive of Stuff!!!

Having said that, Bedroom 2.0 rearrangements appear to be indicating a need for a TV/Monitor combo, so.. I might be rejoining the telly-brigade in a month or two.

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Mon, 15 Sep 2014, 23:21
House of Cards on Netflix. Best stuff I've seen in ages.
Then there's Vikings on History Channel featuring a Norwegian actor. Awesome stuff!

Afr0 Games

Project Dollhouse on Github - Please fork!
Tue, 16 Sep 2014, 09:36
Trailer Park Boys and It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia are my personal Faves on Netflix.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Tue, 16 Sep 2014, 09:38
Jay, try Only Connect. It's like Countdown, only entertaining.

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