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Socoder -> Film + TV -> The Grand Tour (ex-Top Gear)

Thu, 17 Nov 2016, 23:29
The Grand Tour (aka Not Top Gear) is now available on Amazon.

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Thu, 17 Nov 2016, 23:29
I enjoyed it. It was still Top Gear, and it didn't really shift from the generic formula. But it was decent.

It was exactly what I expected it to be, and not really anything more.
I was happy to see the show retain it's basic set pieces, and I'm kinda ok with it being not much more than "Top Gear Continued."

In many ways, it's like they took the old series, gave it a bit of a dusting off, then carried on.
Compared to BBC's "Top Gear Continued." where they didn't change a sodding thing, and tried desperately to carry on without so much as a script edit, the Grand Tour at the very least bothered to switch a few things up.

.. although, I got the feeling most of the changes were down to the legalities of blatantly ripping off the original!!

Meh, whatever.
The show was exactly what it was, and there isn't really anything wrong with that.
I'll continue to watch it, I think.. maybe...

I'm not really into cars, though!

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Fri, 18 Nov 2016, 02:11
To be honest, I cannot stand Clarkson... or that little rat Hammond. I'd love to smash both of their faces in.

I've been saying for probably three years or more that they should axe Top Gear as the format has been stretched to death. With Matt LeBlanc, Eddie Jordan and the Youtube nobodies, they REALLY should scrap it, and put the production team in front of a firing squad as well. Then burn the bodies. And feed the charred remains to lions. And spread the lion shit on some roses. Then get an elephant to trample the roses. Just to make sure.

I'll stick with James May's Toy Stories, since he's the only one that I actually like.
Fri, 18 Nov 2016, 02:34
Toy Stories was a really good show - probably because I had vested interests in all the toys May looked at, when I was a kid.

I didn't watch a single episode of the new Top Gear.

As for Grand Tour - it's probably good that it exactly what people hoped it would be.

BTW Jay, I have no real interest in cars either, but enjoyed Top Gear (especially the Specials), as did my wife, who's also not a rev-head. Top Gear stopped being about the cars years ago, really.
Fri, 18 Nov 2016, 02:44
I found this new show to be a teensy bit more "car stats/info" than previous TG series. There were a couple of times when I felt "this is actually a proper review of the car", which I can't remember feeling for a lot of the later TG series.

It's a good watch. If you liked the exact same thing, before, then you'll also like the exact same thing, now!

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Fri, 18 Nov 2016, 02:50
The Top Gear car "reviews" are a joke. In the original Top Gear they reviewed proper cars that people could actually afford. Now all they do is review £200k+ stuff that'll only appeal to a minority. And I say "review" but I use the term loosely, because all it is, is Clarkson skidding about like a mid-life crisis on wheels, pulling stupid faces and screaming "POWERRRRRR!" and "HOLY MOTHER OF GOD" and other such uninformative shite. Either that or Hammond going "ooo look at me, I'm so small I can't see over the steering wheel".
Fri, 18 Nov 2016, 02:54
Yeah, "new Top Gear" wasn't about the reviews. This one is also not about the reviews, but bits feel a bit more review'y than they did.
It's still bollocks, but I got the feeling they were maybe padding the thing out a bit!!
The episode is 1:10.. perhaps those extra minutes are the reason it felt a bit more "about the cars"..?

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Sun, 04 Dec 2016, 14:53
Just got round to watching episode 2. (I know!! Been busy!!)

I have to say, that was very much enjoyable!!

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