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Socoder -> Site & Server -> CSS-Me-Do - SoCoder2

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Sat, 06 May 2017, 08:07
Not sure if I've said this before, but FUCKING CSS!!!!

The current test edition of SoCoder2. : WARNING : May completely fuck up at any point, whilst I constantly add, tweak, poke and prod.

''Load, Next List!''
Sat, 06 May 2017, 08:07
God damnit!!

If anyone can solve that, let me know.. Otherwise, I'll just use bloody tables!!! FFS!!

(If you need to move LeftSidebar above the Main Content, do that, but I'd prefer all sidebar content is outputted after the main..)

''Load, Next List!''
Sat, 06 May 2017, 09:28
I think use of 'float' will solve this, so long as you move the Main Content block to be at the end rather than the beginning. (although you had a preference for putting main first, putting it last is still better than in the middle, right? )

Disclaimer: it's been a very long time since I've done any web-dev, and this was just the result of some quick fiddling, but I'm fairly certain this works. Though I've only tested it in Chrome...

I think the reason it works is because it will first position each of the 'floated' sidebars, and then try to fit the Main Content block in, which wants to be as wide as it can because of 'display: block'. With the sidebars already in place, Main Content can then squeeze into the middle. But if you put Main Content first, then it takes up all the space it can takes up first, and then the sidebars try to fit in where there is space. Similarly, if you put Main Content in the middle of the code, then the left bar will float properly, then Main Content will try to take lots of space, and then the right bar might end up forced to be in the wrong place. So I think the ordering does matter.

A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

Keep It Simple, Shroom!
Sat, 06 May 2017, 10:09
Helen says shroom is right
Sat, 06 May 2017, 10:49
Awesome, thanks Shroomy!!

Challenge #2!

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Sat, 06 May 2017, 11:53
Hmm, I've had a fiddle with it, and can't seem to make anything work. Yay CSS!

I did notice, however, that the crux of the problem is that the Main Content block's width is 100% of the page width (|edit| which isn't obvious unless you use the browser's 'Inspect' feature, since the sidebars cover it |edit|), and so the table is basing its 100% width on that. But the Main Content text still seems to position correctly with respect to the floated divs, and I'm not sure why that is.

A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

Keep It Simple, Shroom!
Sat, 06 May 2017, 11:56
Hurray for CSS!!

I also attempted to make the table out of CSS, but shouted and shouted and shouted, and went back to a table!

''Load, Next List!''
Sat, 06 May 2017, 13:48
For those wondering..
It'll be a long long long long long time coming, (if at all!!) but I made a start on this, a couple of days ago.

''Load, Next List!''
Sun, 07 May 2017, 03:08
Currently working on Read-Only.
I'm using the same database, and hopefully will be able to wrangle things into submission.
So far, so good.

This morning I got the righthand sidebar to list topics as well as blogs and showcases and "Things". Or at least, so far I have, anyway!
I need to add little "Blog : "/etc things to the titles, but otherwise it's going well.
"Things" don't currently display, when clicked, but topics do.
. Mostly..
.. Except smileys.. Those don't work!!

NOTE : Don't bother complaining about S2's "theme".. It doesn't have one!!!

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Sun, 07 May 2017, 09:48
Things I've done, today.

Logo, clocks, memberlist, buttons.
Memberlist is done via tables, as it is here, because FUCK, I'm sick of CSS already!!
The buttons, however, are CSS, as are the clocks and also the logo.
All images taken from a Single Spritesheet.png Image, and the Buttons having text overlayed on top.
See, I'm learning!!!!

I need to figure out a way to make the memberlist move to the left sidebar, if the screen's too narrow (eg on a phone).

I'm also trying to code the entire thing so that it should still be functional with Javascript disabled.. (Someone mentioned not having Javascript enabled..? Was it Rockford!? *shrugs*)

More to come.

''Load, Next List!''
Sun, 07 May 2017, 10:24
Looking good
Mon, 08 May 2017, 02:14
I'd not worry too much about javascript being disabled personally. If pretty much everything is done via links then you're covered pretty well for text browsers (says the guy who is obsessed with page speed and web accessibility)

I mean, if you're going to go for it with javascript disabled, you're best off (in an ideal world) desigining the site without javascript,then adding javascript functionality later on.

But, y'know, it's a thing that can eat up time.

I'd say check out gtmetrix.com if you were concerned about page speed but, the socoder site is pretty quick compared to most sites so probably isn't really an issue.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Mon, 08 May 2017, 08:34
It wasn't me talking about JavaScript - I know feck all about it! Basic HTML FTW for me!

Why the need to change? Will the new site be easier to maintain?
Mon, 08 May 2017, 09:06
*goes to reply*
*realises he's on the new site, and he hasn't added reply-ability, yet!*

Remember a few months back when I tried to make the "Dodgy Mobile Edition"? (link in the very bottom right of the site)
I got halfway through, before thinking "This could do with slidey javascript menus, instead of having the sidebar content messily dumped on the top."

I also recently found myself trying to add Monkey-2 to the list of selectable languages, but it being an insane struggle without breaking a whole bunch of stuff.

There's been other instances over the past few months, where I've thought "That should be fixed", like .. I think it's time to retire the Highslide image stuff, and finally get round to cleaning up the incredibly messy javascript files.
(I honestly couldn't tell you which of the 12 or so different .js files get used during which pages of the site!!)

So, yeah.
The site's 10 years old, and I thought about doing this last year during the birthday, but I wasn't sure I could cope.
I've since coded more minisites, like recreating my Platdude Pixelart site, and other bits and pieces.
I've learned a lot of little bits and pieces, and .. let's be honest.. HTML and PHP has evolved in the years since I originally coded this site!

Alarmingly, the site is still using old-hat (10 year old!) MySQL requests, which are marked as depreciated in the current server's PHP (5.something), and no longer even exist in PHP7.. So the entire site will fuck up, if the server ever decides it wants to upgrade!!

The new site won't be perfect, but it'll be a lot easier on your system, and your bandwidth.
It'll also be easier to create new themes.. I think.. Maybe..

So, yeah, for many reasons, really..
Everything should run smoother, things will be easier to maintain, the site should (should!?!) last another decade, and hopefully nothing too major will change along the way!!

I'm going to be using the same identical database, so when I do choose to call it "done", the transition should be nice and simple.

.. I hope!

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 08 May 2017, 09:26
mysql to mysqli isn't too bad, I wrote a helper library of functions that handles most cases if you want some future proofing. It's been running on refresh cartridges for aagess so is fairly bullet proof.

If you're using PHP classes, they've changed a bit in PHP7 with their constructors.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Mon, 08 May 2017, 10:36
Yeah, I've been dumping everything into functions, so I can easily switch it out later. I've learned a lot in the decade since I first did this

SoCoder was my very first attempt at php!!

''Load, Next List!''
Tue, 09 May 2017, 01:40

Yeah, I prefer functions over classes myself when it comes to web stuff in particular!

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Tue, 09 May 2017, 03:37

CSS based image with regular text over the top, acting as a Form Submit button, without any Javascript inbetween!
Bloody hell, that took some doing!!

NOTE : Everything's being tested on Chrome, Firefox and *shudder* Edge, as well as Safari on my iPad.
Fairly sure that's the majority of testbeds accounted for.

If you can think of anything else I should be testing on, let me know.

''Load, Next List!''
Tue, 09 May 2017, 05:33
*sigh* Fucking CSS!!!
The theme.css file is starting to get bigger.. and bigger... and biggggerrrr!!!

''Load, Next List!''
Tue, 09 May 2017, 07:28
Currently working on the "Seen Posts" thing. Blinkin' eck, that's complicated stuff!!
Also having to bulk up the new "All in One!" sidebar, because it currently isn't listing/bumping "Things" whenever there are comments.


*and for the third time, today, I've tried posting that using S2, because it's starting to look very usable!!*

''Load, Next List!''
Tue, 09 May 2017, 08:16
OK, that'll do for today.

The single-all-in-one sidebar now shows posts, "Things" and comments, all together in a neat single list of everything.

(Note : "Things" is the word I use for Showcase/Code Snippets/Articles/Links/Blogs/etc.. If you can think of anything better, lemmie know!! 10 years and counting!!)

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Tue, 09 May 2017, 08:58
Tomorrow's tasks..
"UserInfo" to allow for Avatars, the Gardenbar (I'm still calling it that!!) and other bits and pieces.

Q: Am I increasing the avatar size to 128x128, or keeping it at 64x64?!

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Wed, 10 May 2017, 02:44

str_replace = Case sensitive replace
str_ireplace = Case insensitive replace

strcmp = Case sensitive compare
strcasecmp = Case insensitive compare

There's absolutely no fucking logic to these command names.

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Wed, 10 May 2017, 11:52
Today's tweakages.
I got Avatars and GardenBars working, and the site now includes Delete and Edit buttons that don't yet do anything..

I'm tempted to try to integrate proper Reply and Edit functionality, tomorrow. That'll be the first thing that actually updates the database. Eeek!

Avg "page took" speed : 0.05
It's practically doubled since adding all of today's stuff. Eeek! That'll be all those User-SQL lookups, I imagine.

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Thu, 11 May 2017, 05:03
God damn you, Pound sign!!! RAWR!!!
Thu, 11 May 2017, 05:36
Eurghh, yeah, today is all about encoding issues for me over here also :/ 10k of ebay listings, no pressure

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
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