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Socoder -> Site & Server -> Linode Beginnings

Fri, 28 Sep 2018, 07:10

Linode Beginnings

Day One

Attempting Linode, and it's baffling the bejesus out of me!!

I'm currently following This Guide and have managed to do everything it says, but near to the bottom where it says to "simply" restart the server with "sudo apachectl restart"... Everything goes awry.

The error log is telling me that it can't access /var/www/mysite/error_log
and that appears to be where it's failing.
The permissions appear to be correct, so I'm not sure why it would be failing there.

Day one has been an bit of a disaster!!!

Try again, later.

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Fri, 28 Sep 2018, 11:49
Trying again.
Restarted for the third or fourth time, and this time I'm attempting a Ubuntu install, in the hopes that things run a little differently.
So far it's been doing updates for about half an hour..

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Fri, 28 Sep 2018, 13:20
Things have progressed marginally better, tonight, with me switching to Ubuntu.
It's forced me to install php7.0, though, so.. ... Man, that's bound to have caused plenty of errors along the way!!!

No matter, carry on.
Next step is figuring out how the hell I'm supposed to use a server without CPanel! Eeeek!!!

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Fri, 28 Sep 2018, 14:14
All frickin' day, this has taken..

Jayenkai.com is currently a duplicate of Foldapuz.com
Tomorrow, I bash my head against the wall, trying to get sql to work!!

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Sat, 29 Sep 2018, 01:36
Jay grab my WhatsApp i use linode with ubuntu server all the time ! 8)

blog | work | code | more code
Sat, 29 Sep 2018, 05:31

AGameAWeek script and database seem to be running smoothly, albeit without a couple of decades worth of files not having been uploaded to the server.

I can, at the very least, click into an entry, edit it, and return.
Good stuff!

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Sat, 29 Sep 2018, 06:40
Currently learning a lot about server health, and freeing up memory!
Php and MySQL leave SUCH a fucking mess behind, clogging up the memory once they've done their job.

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Sat, 29 Sep 2018, 11:05
Although Jayenkai.com is now seemingly working to a moderately decent degree, there's still a few tweaks that need doing.

Still waiting on the massive transfer of files to complete. It's currently done 15,000 of 25,000 files (holy shit!) and is midway through the Jay Music folder.
Once that's complete, I'll set off uploading SoCoder's files to the server, and that'll probably take all night.

I also need to look into adding SSL, because it's not really a good idea to switch the site on without that, since most of the links would be directed to none-existent https things. Currently http://jayenkai.com works, but https://jayenkai.com "cannot be reached" as I've not set any of the ssl stuff up.
But.. Yeah, I'm definitely getting to a point where I'm comfortable with this whole SSH - terminal based webdev!! I'm learning good!!!

(It's all going to explode!!!)

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Sat, 29 Sep 2018, 11:28
foldapuz has an interesting memory leak..
If you navigate away before it's sent the image, then the image stays resident in memory, and clogs up the server..

Going to need to figure out a way to programatically kill, and flush out any foldapuz activity.

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Sat, 29 Sep 2018, 15:22
Today's been all about uploading, and it's roughly about 60% uploaded.. The entirety of AGameAWeek is uploaded, most of SoCoder's uploaded, and I'm currently waiting for the SoCoder Uploads to Upload.
Interesting quirk.. Since I've been downloading and backing up all the files, frequently, I now have more uploads sat on my harddrive than I should have!!
Any time anyone's deleted an upload, the file has simply been deleted from the server. .. But obviously it's not been mirror-deleted from my harddrive!!!

I had to download a secondary backup, compare the two, and delete the files from my own backup, in order that files didn't suddenly start reappearing again, now that I'm uploading my backup back up to the new server!!!!

(And, apologies if that's happened before.. Honestly can't tell)

Anyhoo, leaving the laptop doing the upload uploads tonight, and then tomorrow I'll start trying to figure out how to do ssl/https stuff.
Hopefully we should have a nice shiny new SoCoder by Monday!!

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Sat, 29 Sep 2018, 15:36
I love you, Certbot!!!


A couple of little commands, and blammo, SSL certificates!
Fuck my hat!!!



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Sat, 29 Sep 2018, 18:03
OK, erm... Welcome to the new server, I guess!

This is my first Linode server, so fuck knows how screwed up it's going to be.
I've done backups up the wazoo, so we should be more or less ok.
As always, if you can find a security hole, let me know about it.

I'll be scanning server stats and things like that, and hopefully nothing horrific happens.

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Sun, 30 Sep 2018, 04:20

No turning back!!

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Tue, 09 Oct 2018, 11:53
We've been on the Linode for over a week, now, and server stats seem to be fairly settled.
I still need to do something about those repeated hacky attempts, which hammer the server every few hours, trying a variety of admin.php, login.php, wp-admin.php, etc things, trying to find a hole.
(Dear god, the stats!)

But other than that, has the server been ok for everyone?
Any hiccups or issues to report?

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Wed, 10 Oct 2018, 04:09
Has seemed to be up whenever I access socoder, no problems here

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!