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Socoder -> Retro Stuff -> Retro game similarities.

Sun, 07 Oct 2018, 04:03

Retro game similarities.

@Jay: This kind of reminds me of that Greenies MiniQuest game you did a while back Jay.

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Sun, 07 Oct 2018, 05:37
Not massively, but I get the similarities.
To be fair, my games tend to nab ideas from classic games, and when other games do, they tend to be kinda samey.

One comparison that I never quite understood.. Back at college, after I made JNKPlat 1, someone said it reminded them of Tomb Raider....

Not sure what that guy was on.

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Sun, 07 Oct 2018, 08:24
I personally can't relate JNKPlat to any other game really, the way the dude runs and jumps is just so unique.
Sun, 07 Oct 2018, 09:25
Bruce Lee's the inspiration for his run and jump audio.

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Sun, 07 Oct 2018, 09:44
I didn't spot that Bruce Lee similarity. LOL