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Socoder -> Film + TV -> Looks Like the BBCs Fucked

Thu, 06 Feb 2020, 07:15

Looks Like the BBCs Fucked

License Fee : For or Against?

Personally I'm all for it.
I'm happy to pay for a service that gives us varied tv (even if I barely watch most of it), but also all the radio stations (both national and regional) as well as the news website (that I can visit without a fuckton of adverts popping up), and even the wonderful things they do in education. (Them recent BBC Micro doohickeys)
There's also the great R&D stuff that still goes on in the BBC. Most of it isn't as huge as the days of the first TVs and colour and whatnot, but every month or so, stuff will pop up in my twitter feed making me go "oh, the BBC did that?"

IMO, the BBC still give value for money.

If we scrap the license fee, and make it subscription only, I really don't see how it could survive. And the folk saying "just put adverts on" can smeg off!!!

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Thu, 06 Feb 2020, 07:40
I just wish it was paid through (progressive) taxes like everything else.

I hardly watch TV (enjoying Picard on our amazon prime free trial though!) so we got rid of our license.

But lots of people do. Its good for society to have funding in culture and education even if it doesn't turn a profit.

And like if someone can't afford the license fee then they're probably in a shitty place and giving them the BBC to watch is the least we could do!

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Sat, 08 Feb 2020, 14:39
No, it should be an optional thing.

I don't use the TV for anything aside from youtube, netflix, twitch and some retro gaming. I see no need to have a license for myself so why pay for it?

From what I remember their TV stations had a lot of adverts for their own show on them anyway which took up a similar amount of time to non BBC channels.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Sun, 09 Feb 2020, 04:56
The only way to make it optional is to force a way for people who don't want to pay to be unable to receive any bbc at all. That's TV, news, websites, radio, everything. Can't happen.

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Sun, 09 Feb 2020, 09:16
Or have a two-tier system, one paid and one advert funded.
Sun, 09 Feb 2020, 09:48
That'd work on news site and iPlayer, but what about radio?
We've got NO ways to do subscriptions, there!

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Sun, 09 Feb 2020, 21:47
Just have the second tier on radio and terrestrial TV, subscription based first tier over IP.
Mon, 10 Feb 2020, 02:19
I'm sure with the idea of not garnering as much of money they'd find a way to make it work, it's in their interest after all.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Mon, 10 Feb 2020, 05:47
I'm pretty sure that if the BBC invested in decent programmes (unlike 90% of their output) they could actually sell them here and abroad. At present their DVD/BR media products are few and far between. They have a massive back-catalogue of products that they could license out for merch.

I'm all for abolishing the license fee. Always have been. Other channels can manage with adverts; I don't see why the Beeb can't. I don't watch much tv or listen to BBC radio, so if those get cut - I really don't care.

Let's face it - the BBC have brought this upon themselves; not giving OAPs free licenses and giving mega-bucks to their "stars" and top-bods. If they paid less in wages, maybe they wouldn't be so worried.

As for funding for culture etc. the National Lottery gives more money to these causes than the BBC ever did.

Education is one area they can't cut as there is legislation to cover this IIRC.
Mon, 10 Feb 2020, 07:15
A cap on wages, especially for "stars" would definitely help. But then the bbc would end up with the rejects, and god knows we don't need Jeremy Kyle popping up again!!!!

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Mon, 10 Feb 2020, 08:45
Sometimes clearing out the dead wood reinvigorates things... It would also bring in potential new talent.
Mon, 10 Feb 2020, 14:49
Aye, working within limitations fosters creativity imho.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Mon, 10 Feb 2020, 15:48
Aye, working within limitations fosters creativity imho.

Yep. Look at the early days of film and computer games to see this. No budgets, few big names. Just a shitload of excellent and original output. And lots of me-toos and shite as well!

The BBC are currently doing a lot of me-toos. Lets now get some original and excellent output again...
Tue, 11 Feb 2020, 11:34
But, hey, at least they're wasting BILLIONS on a railway for 2040...

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Tue, 11 Feb 2020, 11:40
That's a different argument altogether...

BTW - People were saying the same about the Channel Tunnel BITD - nobody is now though.
Tue, 11 Feb 2020, 12:07
It's vaguely related, in that the whole "no more free-for-OAP" thing is because the government pulled their funding from it.

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Tue, 11 Feb 2020, 12:25
The license fee has always been a hot-bed topic - since long before the OAP thing, so that doesn't really matter at the end of the day.

How is HS2 even vaguely similar?

The BBC will survive - whatever happens.
Tue, 11 Feb 2020, 13:53
I sure hope they do, but its Really not looking rosey, right now.

As for how similar they are.. .. ummmm.. .. BBC Two's currently showing a Michael Palin Railway show, every day at 18:30, so. There's that..

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Tue, 11 Feb 2020, 19:28

Yeah, I have no doubt that the BBC will survive. It may struggle in the beginning, but it'll find its feet.
Thu, 13 Feb 2020, 02:14
Hopefully it'll go out to the free market and people can then decide themselves.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!