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Socoder -> Site & Server -> New Emoji Button

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Fri, 24 Jul 2020, 13:14

Thoughts on Style..

This is a test of the "Emoji" extra doohickeys. The following Emoji should be a loveheart, but I'm not convinced that the icons will look well given all the different themes that SoCoder has. For example, the loveheart has a black outline that won't show up very well when drawn onto dark themes. This makes it quite hard to decide on the best style for the little bloody things, and it's been a right pain in the arse to find a style that will hopefully work well on all different themes.
Also, I wrote a lot of waffle, there, so that I can see how well it aligns, mid sentence.

As well as that, there's a CPC , and also an OUYA controller.

But that's all for now.
And this is only for a quick test, for overall style, and quality.
They aren't yet integrated into the site as BBCode, and are only showing up because I'm directly linking to the images.

If you think these are crap, let me know.

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Fri, 24 Jul 2020, 13:25

Working OK here.
Fri, 24 Jul 2020, 13:28
Additional : Submit ideas for icons I should be adding.

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Fri, 24 Jul 2020, 19:21
TBH The heart one was the only one that I really missed. But now that you mention it... how about some "Thumbs up/down" ones? And a turd. Gotta have a turd.

BTW Have you tried a white outline around the black outline?
Sat, 25 Jul 2020, 04:11
Thoughts on that..

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Sat, 25 Jul 2020, 09:27
Yep, definitely prefer the white outlined heart.

What are those otherr computers?
Sun, 26 Jul 2020, 04:41
*Note : This post used to be a comparison between lit and unlit, but I've since removed that ability via BBCode, so the thing no longer looks right, and I've remove the post as a result.

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Sun, 26 Jul 2020, 12:08
The Speccy and heart work with the white outline. The others, not so much.
Sun, 26 Jul 2020, 12:37
Yep. I was thinking the same.
I think I need a better overall design style.

20 Goto DrawingBoard

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Sun, 26 Jul 2020, 18:19
10 Print...

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Mon, 27 Jul 2020, 01:23
How about to draw a thin white (1 pixel) or light gray outline around the black outline (2pixels thick) ?

Something like this quick mock-up
Mon, 27 Jul 2020, 04:11
You didn't need to mock that, I have it coded into the Sprite converter already!
I was trying to come up with an easy way to add that as an option in the theme page thing. I think that's doable.

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Mon, 27 Jul 2020, 06:31
OK, our four test subjects, once again. Now as BBCode.


If you head up to your profile, you can change this from "Lit" to "Unlit"


I was REALLY hoping to get it working via a cookie, from the Paintbrush/theme section, but the BBCode apparently won't let me access cookies, for some reason..
This is why the Smilies also aren't in there.
I really need to figure out how/why that's happening..

This is your last chance to complain, before I plough ahead, start drawing oodles of these things, and integrate some sort of javascript selection box thing.

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Mon, 27 Jul 2020, 09:49

Mon, 27 Jul 2020, 13:45
Looks fine ...
Sat, 01 Aug 2020, 03:39
Progress Report
Didn't get an awful lot done on this, yesterday.

Step one is to add a popup box. Tap the button in the Quick Reply's myriad of buttons, and up pops a selection box with all the emojis.
My brain wasn't in the mood for doing that, if I'm honest. It was far far far too hot, yesterday.
I also found myself wondering if I should add the smilies into the same box, or if they should go into a second button/box.

And then I wondered if I should pop half of the regular BBCode buttons into yet another similar button/box, because ... Let's be honest, who ever uses half of those?
I tend to use the YouTube button, the Spoiler, Image, Bold, and sometimes the rant. But there's buttons for Align, for Lists, for Headers, and Tables, and ....
We don't need all that!?! Not ALL the time..

So, I'm now thinking of redoing the entire sodding thing, and my head's spiralled into chaos trying to come up with a nice neat way to do it all.


A complete redux of the input area, methinks.
And it's too damn hot to bother to do any of it, right now!

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Sat, 01 Aug 2020, 07:01
Please tell me that one of those upcoming emojis is gonna be a bulb.
Sat, 01 Aug 2020, 12:56
A lit bulb and an unlit too, if !
Sat, 01 Aug 2020, 14:41
Feel free to post suggestions for emoji.
I've got about (I think) 300 slots free.

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Sun, 02 Aug 2020, 06:16

Ever wish you hadn't started something!?!

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Sun, 02 Aug 2020, 06:45
What are the dimensions / format? I could send some over if you like?

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Sun, 02 Aug 2020, 07:18
Sure, why not.

48x48 pixels, try to avoid semi-transparency due to ... it looks like ass once the border gets added.
Anything goes.
Include a line of text for the description, and a keyword that would work as bbcode.

Also, since "actual" emoji work fine on the site 💵🛢💊🦠🧬, try to come up with more interesting things!!

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Sun, 02 Aug 2020, 07:22
Cool, will give it a go later on today
Sun, 02 Aug 2020, 14:08

Spent most of today redrawing all the standard BBCode buttons, and recoding how they all work, and it's taken sodding AGES.. ... Mostly because I've also been desperately trying not to break normal functionality for you guys at the same time. (I hope I did that!! Let me know if it's broken.)

In the image above, the "click me" link pops up the new box. The new box currently includes all the BBCode, as well as all of the current emojis, (you can spot the top of the heart peeking out the bottom!) but tomorrow I'll split those up into two sections.
For now it's "mostly" working, except, for reasons I cannot fully comprehend, any BBCode that pops up a box (url, img, youtube, etc) ends up breaking.. Something gotted screwedly!!!

Other than that, though, it works.

More, tomorrow..

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Tue, 04 Aug 2020, 06:50

Right, I think I've got the popup behaving properly now. That's taken a LOT of work, but now when you click the "Click Me!" link, the popup ends up "roughly" where you clicked.
There's a couple of oddities, most involving iOS's keyboard disappearing and reappearing, leading to offsets being slightly wrong... but other than that, it does at least work.

The BBCode buttons are in a nicely sized grid which fit snuggly into the box, whilst the Emoji are a long scrolling list of the same 4 emoji repeated over and over for test purposes until I draw more of them!!

Next I need to add the classic smilies in, but I'm not sure I can figure out what your current smilie options are, so might end up lazily slapping together a "default" smiley style for the box.
Oh, and draw buttons instead of having "Click Me!" text links!!

Gawd, this has been WAY more complicated than it was supposed to be, and I still haven't drawn the bloomin emoji's yet!!

Maybe by the end of the week...?

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Tue, 04 Aug 2020, 11:53
Still sounds like progress, even if far from complete.
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