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Socoder -> Film + TV -> Star Trek Discovery - Season Three

Wed, 14 Oct 2020, 15:34

Star Trek Discovery - Season Three

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Starts on UK Netflix on Friday. Possibly Thursday Midnight, if the past couple of years are any indication.

Feel free to discuss your thoughts on the season, here. Spoiler tags wherever you feel necessary.

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Wed, 14 Oct 2020, 20:55
S1: just okay, captain Lorca was the best thing about the season
S2: was good, Captain Pike was awesome

So what captain will they have in S3 to make it good?
Wed, 14 Oct 2020, 23:50
When season 2 started I realised the show just (again) uses the same hollywood template formula's for every episode. This was the same with the witcher a number of episodes in. The television writers are just not writing anything interesting. Rinse repeat:

I hope to enjoy stranger things s3 as this kind of seems to be fun to watch so far. I hope they do not mess that up.
Thu, 15 Oct 2020, 00:56
I hope to enjoy stranger things s3 as this kind of seems to be fun to watch so far. I hope they do not mess that up.

Do you mean Seaon 4? I'm really looking forward to more of that show - Season 3 was excellent.
Thu, 15 Oct 2020, 03:07
For me, watching Discovery (and Picard) have both felt like Smallville..
Every episode has a glimmer of hope, but is ultimately boring. But you tune in next week, because there's a glimmer of hope in the next episode.

..but in the end, it's all just a great big letdown.

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Thu, 15 Oct 2020, 04:53
@rockford Yes season 4
Fri, 16 Oct 2020, 13:11
Episode One : 5/5
Action, plot, characters introductions. All good, for me.

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Thu, 22 Oct 2020, 12:39
Have to say I’ve enjoyed them all. Each a bit different. Voyager is my favourite though, getting close to the end of my third rewatch. Catching up to how many times I’ve been through Stargate sg1 :-p

Andy H
8-bit games at www.hewco.uk
Cartoons at awful.ovine.net
Ovine at ovine.net
Mon, 02 Nov 2020, 14:09
I really like the new DISCO season so far. Feels like it finally slowed the pacing down enough to give its characters some real personality. TNG took about 2 seasons to get consistently good; so did DS9 and Voyager (ENT is terrible). DISCO is right on schedule. I hope it sticks around for seven seasons.

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Fri, 13 Nov 2020, 15:33
Episode 5 : A little bit of a slower pace, this week, but still a good episode. I'm glad that the slowest episode so far has still been a watchable one!! Far better than those Klingon-centric episodes, last season, where my head almost completely tuned out.

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Fri, 08 Jan 2021, 13:07
Well, that's season three done.

I enjoyed season three.
Season three was good.

> Reveal 🔎

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Sun, 10 Jan 2021, 12:47
I've enjoyed all three. They are not perfect, and I know they rubbed some people up in completely the wrong way but it is Star Trek and for me it was done well.

Andy H
8-bit games at www.hewco.uk
Cartoons at awful.ovine.net
Ovine at ovine.net
Sun, 10 Jan 2021, 15:12
The three main things that annoyed me about the season finale..

> Reveal 🔎

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Mon, 11 Jan 2021, 03:28
Only just started, the only thing I can say so far, is that watching on my new tv, you can tell easier when the people are CGI and not real people (faces)...

Why would there be only 1 900 year old tree?

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Sat, 16 Jan 2021, 14:21
The 3-part finale was alright.

My favorite episode from the season was the one where Michael got interrogated by the Vulcans. I think Star Trek is best when it's driven by character development or interesting situations and doesn't rely so heavily on fighting and explosions. I think that particular episode showed confidence on the part of the writers, and I was kind of disappointed that the rest of the season was so flashy and loud.

Yeah, that elevator scene was pretty dumb. And the little floating robots look terrible. And did someone forget to explain the melody that everyone in the universe knew somehow?

I think the crew has a lot of potential. I love Saru, Tilly, and the Doctor. But the writers really need to calm down. It needs more of the moments that made other Star Treks so lovable - Geordie trying to date, Julian and Miles playing darts, Picard helping Data with his acting, the Voyager crew playing the holodeck novel together...

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Sat, 16 Jan 2021, 14:58
Rumours are that this has been canned.
Sat, 16 Jan 2021, 15:11
For all the shows good moments, there have been numerous awful ones, but this season flipped that ratio around, I think.
Just a shame the whole season fell flat on its arse at the final hurdle.
Trek should be about what happens within its world, not about "OMG! Big Bad!!!"

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Tue, 19 Jan 2021, 16:33
Lower Decks finally hits Amazon Prime UK in a few days. Fri Jan 22nd.

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Tue, 19 Jan 2021, 18:08
Honestly as a HUGE trek fan - and I liked Discovery Season One - I couldn't finish season two. HATED S02E04 (the soppy one with Saru). Looking forward to trying season three as it sounds better!

ST Picard was great

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Sat, 30 Jan 2021, 15:08
You know what..

I'm giving up on Lower Decks.
I struggled to get through episode one, and episode two ticked me off enough to quit halfway through.

.. not my Trek...

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Wed, 03 Feb 2021, 09:10
That's another one I loved. Something different. I can see why you might not though.

Andy H
8-bit games at www.hewco.uk
Cartoons at awful.ovine.net
Ovine at ovine.net