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Socoder -> Film + TV -> What Is The Matrix

Tue, 07 Sep 2021, 13:59
Tue, 07 Sep 2021, 13:59

Didn't work on my iPad, but that might be because it's the Beta version.

But, yeah, nice.
I want to be hyped.. But I was SO let down by 2&3.

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Tue, 07 Sep 2021, 14:09
What I got from that teaser, is that....
> Reveal 🔎

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Tue, 07 Sep 2021, 14:15
I'll quite happily accept any reality in which > Reveal 🔎

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Tue, 07 Sep 2021, 18:10
Yeah 1 was a good movie. Made you think a little. 2 & 3 were AWFUL Hollywood trash. I have no hopes for 4 and probably will never see it. Looks stupid.

But the whole "time" thing reminds me of Jay's you code. Which I forget how to use.
Wed, 08 Sep 2021, 01:36
I only ever watched the first one. Wasn't fussed.
Thu, 09 Sep 2021, 07:18

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Thu, 09 Sep 2021, 15:16
Doogie Howser?

This looks like total shite LOL

Just another cliche attempt at re-introducing a dead franchise to a clueless "new" generation.

And why at Christmas? Nothing to do with Holy Days. Quite the opposite, really.

Thu, 09 Sep 2021, 16:08
Why Christmas? Obvious isn't it? The traditional festive retelling of a man who wonders what the world would be like if he were dead.
Expect the twin Ghost characters to make a reappearance.

The twist here is that Neo ultimately choses to die, because being alive would mean millions of people living dreary lives trapped inside the Matrix.

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Thu, 09 Sep 2021, 18:04

Fri, 10 Sep 2021, 01:38
because being alive would mean millions of people living dreary lives trapped inside the Matrix.

Nope, didn't they come to an agreement that people would be able to chose to be there or not?

Check out my excellent homepage!
Fri, 10 Sep 2021, 16:56

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Fri, 10 Sep 2021, 18:54

Sat, 26 Mar 2022, 16:28
Oh, hey, the fourth is finally available via iTunes! *yoink*

> Reveal 🔎

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Sat, 26 Mar 2022, 19:34
Was lovely revisiting the world.
Sun, 27 Mar 2022, 00:33
When I got Hbomax it was on there already. I watched the first part. Not that impressed yet.
I also watched the soundtrack of the first one. Where they show the video of that fighting scene. Where hundreds of Smiths fight Neo. That was great.

I noticed they have a directors cut of The Justice league. 4 hour version!
Sun, 27 Mar 2022, 05:34
Loved the first one, second and third wasnt half as clearly thought out and as well written if you ask me... But that is the problem with the first one, it did that good, Neo's struggle to "be the one", and when he did find that in him, well, he could kung-fu the holy fuck out of anything in the world... So, that sorta rounded that bit up, which, where do sequels go from there. Then there was the lovey dovey bit with Trinity having her own doubts about it going off what the oracle had said, and Neo not really rising until the end [*sniggers*], but it was perfectly intertwined with the plot, more so then any other if you ask me, as films just have the love-in aspect as if it's tact-on for the ladies of the audience... But again, that sorted itself out and he was indeed "The one".

Like, there was a lot going on and a lot tidied up at the end of the first one, that, a number 2 would be hard to follow anyway, but then bosh... 2 and 3 were spilled out in the blink of an eye and it seemed to me they just tried to ram in whatever in a short space of time when, in reality [no pun intended], a number 2 really needed time to try and build something more, probably didnt need a 3 if you ask me.

Anyway, yeah... 1st one, classic, 2 and 3... Watch... Forget... 4... Not going to bother, they kung-fu'd the living shite out of the title, and I'm not sitting through it just go "Meh!", cannot be arsed, they had a chance, blew that, and thats enough for me!

Shame though, it could've been special.

Give me Back To The Future 4 please, yeah, number three was silly and sitcom like in some respects, but, I found it enjoyable and a great ending to the original series!


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Sun, 27 Mar 2022, 06:51
The Matrix-The-Fourth was very much nostalgia-based. Everything that was good about the first three, without too much of the bad bits.

There is a character who discusses things, quite a lot like the "tv screens" scene from ... is it the second one..? But it's done much less statically than that version, and is over a hell of a lot quicker!!

It's as though, with hindsight, they realised why those scenes (/half the fucking movie!!!) didn't work, and fixed them for this one.
If you did enjoy the enjoyable bits of the first three, and would rather the two sequels weren't as dull as dishwater, then you might like the fourth.

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Sun, 27 Mar 2022, 13:23
@dabz I don't think we'll ever see Back to the Future 4. At least not how everyone would have liked. With these reboots and sequels these actors just get too old. They're usually never any good. Indiana Jones 4, Matrix 4, etc. and to a lesser extent the Star Wars films. Blah blah. I don't want to start a sub-thread but just wanted to say, if they make a BTTF 4 it will be like Ghostbusters where they hand the series off to the hipster tweens or whatever. Casting will be crap and it will tarnish the series. Better to leave well enough alone. Imo.
Sun, 27 Mar 2022, 14:11
When those gan generators get good and computers a lot faster. You can type in the title and some words of interest and it wil generate a movie for you More movie hours than the age of the universe.
Sun, 27 Mar 2022, 14:39

I don't think we'll ever see Back to the Future 4.

Your right like, they'll just spoil it with bollocks!

But regarding the actors getting old... Deep Fake is getting better, and I think that will do to movies what CGI did to them, old actors will be paid in licenses for the use of their faces, and before you know it... Die Hard: Died Harder Then A Dead Dodo! hehehe


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Sun, 27 Mar 2022, 15:09
Never say never. BTTF4 is, I'm sure, always at the back of their minds.

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