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Socoder -> AI Threads -> Udio AI Music

Fri, 10 May 2024, 12:28

Udio AI Music

Udio announced their pricing, today, and it seems cheap enough.
A request always generates two 30 second clips, be it clean or an extension. So each request uses 2 credits.
For free you get 10 credits, so that's 5 requests.
If you want to play, extending a track, you're only getting 5 goes a day.

For $10 a month, you get 1200 credits, which is 600 requests a month.
For $30 a month, you get 4800 credits, 2400 requests a month.
You can additionally buy extra top up credits should you need them.

Quality wise, it's fairly decent, but I've not generated "too" much with it, and am already recognising Melodies in one song being familiar to those of another. So... maybe a little limited? Or is that just down to my rubbish prompting?

Good quality, though.

''Load, Next List!''