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Socoder -> Hardware and Technology -> Spinal's PC

Sat, 06 Jul 2024, 01:38
Got a bargain of a new PC, now I just have to spend days installing things and such, fun but boring.

Check out my excellent homepage!
Sat, 06 Jul 2024, 01:38
Cool! What'd ya get?
Sat, 06 Jul 2024, 02:20
i9, 32GB RAM, RTX 4090
RGB fans and stuff

No idea what software or drivers are requires for changing the colours

Check out my excellent homepage!
Sat, 06 Jul 2024, 02:32
I'm sure you'll be coding your own lightshow, anyway!

''Load, Next List!''
Sat, 06 Jul 2024, 02:40
It was an absolute bargain, the whole thing was cheaper than the gfx card! Those specs should last me about 15 years easy.

Check out my excellent homepage!
Sat, 06 Jul 2024, 02:42
Sat, 06 Jul 2024, 15:41
Bloody windows 11!!!

Create an image in psp, save it to c:\image.png

Go there with explorer, it isn't bloody there!
Try and load it in a different program, not there
Load it in psp, it's there again !!!

Save it to desktop, it's there, copy it to c, it's there,

Load it and save it again, it's gone!!!!

What the hell is going on?!

Check out my excellent homepage!
Sat, 06 Jul 2024, 16:08
Antivirus program kicking in?
Sat, 06 Jul 2024, 16:46
Sat, 06 Jul 2024, 17:00
Gotta keep those users safe from themselves, I take it there's no right click options in file explorer, etc nowadays, hidden files and folders, etc, etc?

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!