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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Hillary Clinton for New Hampshire? :\\

Wed, 09 Jan 2008, 03:50
ARGH! What's wrong with you Americans?
This woman is trying to take away violent computer games and is in support of (further?) privatization of hospitals.
And you voted for her? :\
I hope noone in here voted for her!

Afr0 Games

Project Dollhouse on Github - Please fork!
Wed, 09 Jan 2008, 06:10
I am not. She needs to die.
Wed, 09 Jan 2008, 07:36
Obama is no better. Two years ago he said: "It's time to turn off your Game Boys".
Wed, 09 Jan 2008, 13:23
power mousey

"I am not. She needs to die"

??? :/ um maybe from a violent video game.

even more and beyond:

Like I said in the mud chat yesterday(Tusday)
and I'll say it again. I strongly sense that none
of these candidates are going to win but as the elctions
continue one will emerge as the next presidential elected.
However, before the results or sometime after,

Bush and his neocons will manufacture and allow
some or series of diasters and emergencies
or perhaps certainly a big but shocking event will occur

where Bush will declare Martial Law, suspend the Constitution, implement Fema nationwide, and other executive orders and also become the first leader of the North American Union.
Besides, war with Iran seems more likely.

Hopefully I'm wrong. I just have a strong sense and suspicion about all this and especailly these ongoing primaries and elections.
If I turn out to be wrong, I will publicly admit and apologize to you all and in a blog.

the handwriting(my paws) on the wall,

power mousey

Wed, 09 Jan 2008, 16:48
To think that someone would determine who they vote for based on a candidates stance on video games is atrocious! there are far far more important issues than video games, the president dosnt even have the power to ban video games, or legalize marijuana for that matter. And if she is elected healthcare will more than likely become universal, which is a good thing. a very good thing.

|edit| She dosnt want to get rid of or ban video games, she just wants to make it harder for minors to get there hands on mature rated games, not make them illegal.

Stuff... Yeah...
Wed, 09 Jan 2008, 17:17
How does Obama go from polling 10% above Clinton a day before the primary to losing it by 4% the next? Voting fraud:

New Hampshire Primary Vote Miscount Takes Win From Obama

Errors Transposing Votes and Diebold Machines Issues
ffs, use url tags


Vote Ron Paul.
Wed, 09 Jan 2008, 17:40
power mousey


very good points, Eikon and magicman.
Wed, 09 Jan 2008, 17:57
I'm not going to get involved in politics; they are all a load of retards.

But I am a little concerned about violence in games. I love UT and other violent games, but there is a clear distinction that they are not real.

I have been playing call of duty 4 a lot recently, and while it much fun, its is kind of psychotic when you consider that this kind of shit goes on in real life. People live ands die in these kinds of situations. IMHO its a bit rude to make light entertainment of this stuff. But then again war is for retards and anyone that goes to war deserves to die so we may as well make the most of it
Wed, 09 Jan 2008, 18:12
I have been playing call of duty 4 a lot recently, and while it much fun, its is kind of psychotic when you consider that this kind of shit goes on in real life. People live ands die in these kinds of situations. IMHO its a bit rude to make light entertainment of this stuff. But then again war is for retards and anyone that goes to war deserves to die so we may as well make the most of it

Speaking of rude, it seems to me that saying every man who gave his life in world wars past is a "retard", and deserved to die is a lot worse than some video game. I for one understand that some wars were necessary throughout the course of history and I'm thankful that there were real men willing to give their lives so that you could sit on your ass and play Call of Duty.
Wed, 09 Jan 2008, 18:21
So would you say that invading Iraq has made the world a safer place?

Maybe I neglected the world wars (they are from before my time), but the wars we are in now are uncalled for, and blatantly were from the start.

America elected a president for revenge; revenge wasent as sweet as they though it would be. Now they all hate Bush, but what change will that make? Nothing good comes from hatred. Somehow I doubt they will learn from this, Vietnam came and went.
Wed, 09 Jan 2008, 18:36
So would you say that invading Iraq has made the world a safer place?
No, I've been against it from the start.

America elected a president for revenge; revenge wasent as sweet as they though it would be.
I would take issue with you saying that we 'elected' him. In 2000, the supreme court ruled that the Florida recount had to be stopped because of a suit filed by Bush, and we now know that Gore would've won had the count been completed. In 2004, Kerry purposely ran a poor campaign and quickly conceded the election to his skull and bones fraternity brother Bush, even though there was rampant voter fraud found in Ohio. He had millions left in his campaign fund when it was all over, then he lied and said he would construct a team of lawyers to get to the bottom of the Ohio fraud to make sure every vote was counted - I thought that was special.

We most likely agree on a lot of issues, I just think you got a little carried away in the previous post.
Wed, 09 Jan 2008, 18:56
Maybe I did get a bit carried away, but it was only to highlight a point. I have a friend thats going into the army because he lost his drivers license, and apparently the army will get it back for him and some other stuff. I still call him a retard for doing it, but I would hate for him to die. I'd rather he would just stay out of the army.
Wed, 09 Jan 2008, 19:38
power mousey

I have a friend named Joseph who was
working at Hitachi. He was working thru
as a manpower temp for the company.
Yet, he signed up to go over to Iraq cause he comes
from a military family and cause he would enter
college to learn and study auto mechanics after
boot camp in South Carolina.
Omar and I try to convince him not to join
cause they will send him over anyway. And that their are
other options to learn and study auto mechanics and work
on cars and trucks.
He didn't listen to our advice. He said that the recruiter and army promised him a paid college education
and the expenses to train as a mechanic. We again both told him that when the army wants and needs you..they need and order you. I respected his choice and what he decided. By the way, after boot camp in South Carolina
he was sent over to Iraq immediately and to train and work on the trucks and cars over there.

I hope he is okay.