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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Wot time PC World Open?

Sun, 13 Jan 2008, 20:23
Hiya all,

I did some google search to find what time pc world open and shocking it doesnt tell me wot time pc world open but I think it is open either 8am or 9am?

do you know?
Sun, 13 Jan 2008, 21:01
My local store in Brighton UK, opens at 09.00 am.

|edit| Click on Store Finder at the top of pcworld.co.uk |edit|
Sun, 13 Jan 2008, 21:22
power mousey

I'm not saying because I don't know.

But...oh, but I did and I didn't.

Still having problems with that graphic card, Hotshot?

Mon, 14 Jan 2008, 01:25
no problem with the graphics cards and I gonna get new power supplier plugs to connect one for PSU and two GFX Power connector.

I been playing command and conquer zero hour and I was playing China where I bomb Neclear. The animations is really smooth and amazing fast! I had go on far cry which was good fun
Mon, 14 Jan 2008, 08:02
power mousey
I had a near cry *sniff* *sob* cause you
have a new graphics card and plus you get to
play all those neat and cool games.
But, I can't even play Metal Knights nor even
Titan Quest.

um I'm Far in getting a new graphics card
for my old computer and minimum budget specs, so
I Cry

power mousey

Mon, 14 Jan 2008, 08:12

I used to have shit graphics cards for years and now I finally to decide to get Beast Graphics cards and I am really Please as You have remmy that I bought for £180 plus free game called crysis(that is £35) so if you do maths £180 - £35 = £145. That is Bargain.

So you looking for AGP Graphics cards?

You are better off getting Geforce 7600GT which are very good if you have GOOD PSU.
Mon, 14 Jan 2008, 11:43
power mousey

good golly Molly!
no, nada.

I'm pretty well spent or saved up
for Nuclear Basic and the XGS 6502.
My brother is going to give me his old computer
which has Windows XP, 512mb, Pentium 2.1ghz, and Nvidia
Geforce FX 5500 integrated video memory, and 120 gig hard drive.

but hey Beast graphic cards. hehe.
I like that.
