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Socoder -> Books -> The Game + The Rules Of The Game

Sat, 22 Nov 2008, 08:41
Would just like to recommend these two books by Style aka Neil Strauss. Almost done with reading 'The Game' by now, and already started on 'The Rules Of The Game'.

The Game - Review
The Rules Of The Game - Amazon site where you can buy the book. Also contains an interview with Style and user reviews.

Basically, 'The Game' is a novel about how Neil got into the Pickup community, met Mystery, and basically surpassed him as The Greatest Pickup Artist in The World. Before he got that far though, he met alot of pitfalls and realized he needed to harness his newfound knowledge of power to go from 'oversexed' to 'just right' (paraphrased).
'The Rules Of The Game' is the follow-up to the No.1 bestseller 'The Game', describing all the steps you need to take to get a date in 30 days, or less.

Afr0 Games

Project Dollhouse on Github - Please fork!
Sat, 22 Nov 2008, 09:16
This crap again?
Grow up.. It's not a game..

Women are people...

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Sat, 22 Nov 2008, 11:06
Agreed. It's not a game. It's life.

You meet someone that you get along with, and it goes from there. You can't roll dice and pick up girls.

My Twitter
Sat, 22 Nov 2008, 11:46
Nothing I can add the the above comments. You already know I think the whole idea is outdated and neanderthal. If you treat people like this, you will end up with no real friends. People are people, no matter their sex. They are not trophies.

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Sat, 22 Nov 2008, 14:59
You can't roll dice

Which is exactly what you're doing if you leave everything to chance and don't learn a proper, systematic way of doing it.

Afr0 Games

Project Dollhouse on Github - Please fork!
Sat, 22 Nov 2008, 16:20
Of doing what, really? What exactly are you trying to achieve through this systematic way? Who do you expect to "pick up"? I read the first hundred pages of the book and got the gist of it. No doubt, it's an interesting read. But that doesn't make it any less of what it is.

I'm with the others on this one, Afr0.
Sat, 22 Nov 2008, 16:37
Evil Roy Ferguso
Algorithms are essential to programming, but they are perhaps the antithesis of dating and relationships.

You will go through periods of your life alone, and it will often be painful. Accept that and move on, because it does not mean that you'll be alone forever. When you do find someone:
A) You'll know.
B) You'll find that empathy and being yourself (tacky as it sounds) go much further than any algorithm ever could.
Sat, 22 Nov 2008, 18:14
The last girl I tried to 'be myself' with, ended up not talking to me at all because she was constantly going around being afraid that I'd kill myself. I was duped into believing she could accept who I was, and it got to a point where I said to myself 'Fuck it! This has got to stop!'
Ironically, this was just after I'd gotten around halfway through 'The Game'. That's when I decided to order 'The Rules Of The Game'.

Afr0 Games

Project Dollhouse on Github - Please fork!
Sat, 22 Nov 2008, 19:41
This is the formula I've been using for finding girls:

(requires Java 5)
Sat, 22 Nov 2008, 19:49
Beautifully put DD, in a form we can all understand.

My Twitter
Sat, 22 Nov 2008, 20:52
I get an error....
Sat, 22 Nov 2008, 21:34
<copy>First three responses</copy>

<include>You're a tool for buying into this stuff.</include>
Sun, 23 Nov 2008, 04:02
Actually, I think 'The Game' should be required reading before 'The Rules Of The Game', so you don't end up a tool. Here's why:

'MSN Group: Mystery's Lounge
Subject: Are you a social robot?
Author: Style

Have you ever noticed that there's something strange about alot of the guys in the community?
It's as if just by looking at them, you can tell that something is missing. They don't seem entirely human.
Some of these guys even do well in the field. They get great reactions - sometimes even numbers and lays - but they never seem to have a girlfriend.
Are you one of these guys?
To find out, ask yourself the following questions:

- Do you panic if you run out of "material" during a conversation with a woman?

- Do you think that everything a woman says to you that isn't 100 percent positive is a "shit test"?

- Do you see every other male who is interacting with a woman as an AMOG (Alpha Male Of the Group) who must be destroyed?

- Are you unable to discuss a woman without first asking, "What's her rating?"

- Do you call women in your life who you are not sleeping with 'pivots' instead of friends?

- If you are around a woman in a non-social setting, such as a business meeting or a nursing home, do you get a strange shot of adrenaline and feel obligated to sarge her?

- Have you stopped seeing value in things that are not pickup related, such as books, movies, friends, family, work, school, food and water?

- Is your self-esteem constantly at the mercy of the reactions of women?

Then you may be a social robot.
Most of the sargers I know are social robots. This is especially true among those who found the community in their teens or early twenties. Because they haven't had much real-world experience, they have learned to socialize almost entirely through rules and theories they're read online or learned in workshops. They may never be normal again. After a great twenty-minute set with many of these social robots, a woman begins to realize that they don't have anything more going for them. And then they post online complaining that women are flakes.
The internet newsgroups and the pickup community can give you so much - I know it's given me so much - but it can take away alot too. You can end up becoming a one-dimentional person. You start to think that everyone else around you is a social robot too and begin to read too much into his or her actions.
The solution is to remember that the best way to pick up women is to have something better to do than to pick up women. Some guys give up everything - school, work, even girlfriends - to learn the game. But all these things are what make one complete and enhance one's attractiveness to the opposite sex. So put your life back in balance. If you can make something of yourself, women will flock to you, and what you've learned here will prepare you to deal with them.

- Style'

Chapter 10, Section 8, 'The Game'

Afr0 Games

Project Dollhouse on Github - Please fork!
Sun, 23 Nov 2008, 05:06
I only got 1 yes out of 8, do I lose?

Honestly though Afro, if you feel this helps you and improves your life then continue reading. But when you post topics about this kind of subject here it's clear that the whole SoCoder community (myself included) don't think much of it. I'm not going to state if this is a bad reflection on you or on the SoCoder community (I could see the topic eventually getting locked if we went down that route). However perhaps you should discuss this with other non-SoCoder people who might take more of a positive interest in what you are reading.

I don't like to see people posting a topic only to receive a purely negative and jokie response.
Sun, 23 Nov 2008, 05:07
If you're not looking for anything more than a one night stand, and don't care anything for any of these girls and don't want them to care anything for you, the go ahead with this crap. Reading that chapter above only reminds me of a cult. All this so-called 'self help' bollocks only helps this guy's pocket. If you only look at women (or men, depending) as prizes, you will miss out on the whole close relationship thing that makes us PEOPLE. Humans are emotionally dependent animals (like most of them) we NEED relationships to develop rou characters, they help us feel good etc. yes, sometimes we get dumped, sometimes we do the dumping, but each time, you learn something about yourself. So what if a lot of girls don't understand you or don't like you. Do you honestly think that every single girl you find attractive will also find you attractive? of course not.

Actually, I think 'The Game' should be required reading
Spoken like a true cult evangelist.

Check out my excellent homepage!
Sun, 23 Nov 2008, 05:50
JL235: Thank you for your reply. I understand what you mean, though at the same time I wouldn't have posted this here if I didn't think it could truly benefit some people. 'Course, whether they take the advice or not is entirely up to them.
I've been loosely advocating 'The Mystery Method' for dating in the MudChat before, and while I don't regret doing that - I am glad to have found a book on dating from someone who's much more grounded and actually identifies Mystery as a narcissist in his first novel about how he really got into dating.
Not that there's anything inherently bad about Mystery's teachings, except that they objectify women on a scale of 1:100 compared to Style's teachings.

spinal: All this 'cult' has asked me to do thus far has been to talk to 5 random persons on the street (not neccessarily girls), and it actually took me about a week to work up the courage to do that. Now I'm on Day 2, and tomorrow (Monday) I'm gonna try to work up the courage to talk to 5 random persons on the street and look into their eyes while they talk.

Edit: Incidentally, my doctor (not my shrink) actually identified a while ago that I have a problem with looking into people's eyes when I'm talking to them. And while that is something I've been working on since then, I frankly don't think there's any better way to improve in that area than by talking to people I don't know and using it as a way to connect with them.

Afr0 Games

Project Dollhouse on Github - Please fork!
Sun, 23 Nov 2008, 06:06
Why not get a job where you HAVE to talk to random people, like in a shop or something?

Check out my excellent homepage!
Sun, 23 Nov 2008, 06:13
2 questions:
Are you autistic?
When you say that you talk to random people in the street, what does that involve? A simple 'what is the time?' jobby or something more?
Sun, 23 Nov 2008, 06:20
No, I'm not autistic. Are you retarded?
For me it involved asking the time, because it allowed me to 'get in under the radar' because people feel obliged to answer when someone asks them the time. But I have to improve on that, because I can't go around asking people the time all the time. If you want the specifics of what happened, you can reference it here

Afr0 Games

Project Dollhouse on Github - Please fork!
Sun, 23 Nov 2008, 06:22
I quite often give a polite nod/smile/hello to random people if they make eye contact. But I doubt I'd start up a conversation with strangers, although they are meant to be the most interesting people you'd ever talk to.

Check out my excellent homepage!
Sun, 23 Nov 2008, 07:00
As predicted by most, this topic is now locked.. Not because of it's content, but because of the stupid namecalling that emerged from Mole and Afr0 ..

= 1 warning to both.

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