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Socoder -> On Topic -> File Insanity

Sun, 29 Nov 2009, 14:37
I am finally getting around to cleaning up the junk on my hard drive. Pictures, old projects, installers, music, whatever--I've got a growing pile of crap in folders with names like Old, Temp, etc. These usually get created when I reinstall my OS. I'm deciding how I want to do things though.

So the question or purpose of the topic is how are your files doing? Do you organize them all perfectly or are you like me and have a colossal mess? For those of you who organize your files, how does the structure work? Have separate drives or store them locally? Do you use the OS provided folders for your Music, Pictures, and Videos? Do you backup? Encryption at all?

Quit posting and try Google.
Sun, 29 Nov 2009, 14:52
My folders are kinda a mess, but also organised in a way that I know where they are..

Server is in the root, as is the JNK folder and the Music.
But Socoder isn't directly in Server, it's in it's own JJAX folder, from the time that I called the site "Jay's Site" then added AJAX to it!
And, that folder's actually inside an Oscarent folder, from way back when!!

But I know where it is. And it's there for good reason. so it's not messily placed there!

JNK contains a garbageload of horribly disorganised folders, and one called "Weekly" which then contains a numbered folder for each week's worth of stuff since the WW started.
Neat, just ignore the folder behind it!

Music doesn't have music.
Instead it has MP3, Midi and Mod!
Then those have the music!!

Videos generally go in c:\movs, except the TV shows that I've just got, which instead go into a wholey messy folder named

Yeah, that one's a bit messy.

Fruitloops music work goes into c:\FromPC\Fruityloops, since the FromPC is a shared folder.

Man, it is a bit of a mess, really!!

But it's not "Bad" mess.

It's organised chaos!
And it's all done for good reason.

''Load, Next List!''
Sun, 29 Nov 2009, 14:53
Complete mess, so much so , that when reinstalling windows I sometimes can't find everything I want to backup and end up loosing loads of stuff. My start menu takes up nearly the whole screen, and well, my desktop, once that gets full, I just shift it all into a 'desktop' folder, then 'desktop2' etc.

Check out my excellent homepage!
Mon, 30 Nov 2009, 09:09
I use the provided OS folders media folders.
I name things consistently and appropriately, renaming whenever I feel that it's necessary.
I don't clutter my start menu.
I try to keep my desktop almost empty.
I take backups of the absolutely crucial stuff, on an external hard drive.
I hate folders with lowercase names.
I absolutely hate that x64 Windows has two folders for program files, and try my best to place all programs in one of them.
I remove temporary folders created by all kinds of programs (damn installers, can't get anything right).

I'm organized! Although I don't do encryption. I may be structured, but I'm not paranoid.
Fri, 04 Dec 2009, 15:16
deleted user
My desktop is very clean with no icons and some simple temprature and cpu/network stats and using linux as my OS all the programs are sorted and together, but...

my directories are a mess. I have the linux '/' and '/home' partitions seperated, also I have a windows partition, and then another ntfs partition.

My videos and films are spread over two of these in two video folders. I also have two photos and pictures folders on two partitions and documents all over the place. However, I don't use windows much, (just to test games and play some) so I've removed most programs from that.

I'l eventually get round to sorting things out and use the video and music folders in the linux /home partition, before resizing, but only once I get an external harddrive in the christmas sales, as I have to many files right now to delete and merge the ntfs partition itno the /home one

delete my account
Fri, 04 Dec 2009, 16:14
My desktop has no icons on it. I keep it nice and neat with a single taskbar on the bottom and no sidebar.